Monday, December 9, 2013

Ten Things to Expect After Non-Surgical Root Planning and Scaling (Deep Cleaning)

After this very important treatment there are a few things you should know.

1.     All areas of your mouth should be brushed and flossed as usual as long as it does not cause discomfort. Sometimes rinsing with warm salt water is soothing. You can create a mixture by dissolving ¼ teaspoon of salt in 1 – 8 ounce glass of warm water. Do not use any alcohol-containing mouth rinses.

2.     Slight bleeding for several hours is normal. If you take a nap, cover your pillow with a towel. If bleeding persists, call the office.

3.     If you were prescribed antibiotics, it is very important to take as directed until they are all gone.

For women who are pregnant or who could be pregnant, do not take any medications without consulting your physician. Birth control pills may not work effectively when you take certain antibiotics, so please use alternative methods of contraceptive for at least two weeks after you have competed the antibiotic protocol.

Some people have unfavorable reactions to antibiotics. If you experience any of the following, stop taking your medication and immediately contact your Periodontist or go to the emergency room.

Difficulty breathing

4.     Smoking can affect the healing process.

5.     After your surgery, have only cool to warm liquids (not hot) to drink until the numbness has worn off. This is to prevent you from burning your lips, cheeks or tongue.

6.     Eat very soft foods as directed. Avoid nuts, popcorn, seeds, chips (taco, tortilla, potato, etc.) granola and any hard or crunchy foods for the first three weeks.

7.     After treatment, you can expect little to no discomfort in your gums, although this can vary depending upon the extent of your periodontal infection. If you do feel some discomfort, take 800 mg. of Motrin every 6 hours. Any discomfort will be made worse by smoking or an inappropriate diet.

8.     Sometimes after root planning and scaling, patients may experience an increased sensitivity to temperature or sweets. This generally resolves by itself, but please let your Periodontist know at your follow-up visit, as there are medications that can be applied to the tooth to reduce the sensitivity.

9.     On very rare occasions, you may develop a low-grade (100 degree F or less) fever and chills. This usually will occur within the first 24 hours after treatment. If this happens to you, take Tylenol and drink plenty of fluids to reduce your fever and call your Periodontist.

10. Some patients have reported on rare occasions, an earache, headache and/or discomfort in the jaw muscles after treatment. This is more likely to occur in patients who grind or clench their teeth. Please let your Periodontist know at your next visit.

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