Friday, January 22, 2016

Is Your High Blood Pressure Medicine Impacting Your Gums?

If you have high blood pressure and are taking antihypertensive medications you may be causing damage to your gums. There are several blood pressure medications that can negatively impact your gums over time and cause you to be susceptible to periodontal disease.  If you have high blood pressure and are struggling with bleeding and unhealthy gums, it may be time to schedule your appointment today with Dr. Rice & her team.

Blood pressure medication that falls into the category of calcium antagonists can cause thickening of the gums. As your gums thicken it can make it more difficult to floss correctly and keep food from negatively impacting your smile. Periodontal disease is not the only negative however; thicker gums can cause problems with chewing and cause you to become self-conscious when smiling.

The longer you wait to floss your teeth after eating, the more damage you are likely to encounter. Flossing right after you eat can help remove the food from between your teeth and gums and decrease your chances of periodontal disease.

The amount of medication you are taking can cause the problem to be even worse. If you are struggling to keep your gums and your body healthy, there are options. Talk to your periodontist today in order to figure out how you can improve your gum health.

For more information contact Dr. Denine Rice & her team today.

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