Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Five Tips For Dental Patients

1.    Don’t be embarrassed. We understand that the fear of dentists and dentistry may have kept you away. We also understand that sometimes a lack of home care may have contributed to the dilemma. “What we want patients to know is that we are pleased they have trusted us now and have made the decision to help themselves course correct and get healthier,” Dr. Denine Rice says from her Riverside Periodontal and Implant Surgery practice. “So be honest with us about your challenges with home care. We may have some suggestions that will help you achieve your desired oral health.”

2.    Bring a list of your current medications with you. Medications that you are taking, including vitamins and herbal remedies can play a significant role in your oral health. “It’s important for us to know the names of each medication as well as the dose,” Dr. Rice adds.

3.    Brush and floss your teeth before your dental visit. Often patients come and inform the hygienist that they didn’t brush and floss because they were coming in and would have the professional do it, but having your hygienist spend time removing food particles should not be the reason you are there. “When you come in for your visit, we want to focus on the areas you can not gain access to – those below the gum line or in hard to reach areas. This is where you will receive the greatest benefit,” Dr. Rice advises.

4.    Ask questions. “Please let us know if you have any questions, whether its regarding treatment, your oral health or home care, we want to help.”

5.    Be comfortable. “Wear comfortable clothing, and let us know if we can provide you with a pillow for your head or knees or a throw to keep you warm. Do not suffer, or worry you might inconvenience us. We are here for you!”

1 comment:

  1. Really, nice five tips for patients who need dental care the most. Much useful for them before entry into the dentistry.
