Thursday, November 6, 2014

Brushing Your Tongue

While you chew food particles build up on the surface of your teeth. "You may remember to brush twice a day, but if you are not brushing your tongue you’re doing an injustice to your mouth and potentially risking your overall health,"says Dr. Denine Rice.

Food particles, and other bacteria from the air can stick to the tongue causing your breath to smell, and plaque to build-up. Plaque is a soft sticky substance that accumulates on your teeth and tongue. Plaque is dangerous because it contains millions of bacteria. The bacteria turn into acid and acid attacks the enamel on your teeth.

A more complicated affect of not properly brushing your tongue happens over time. Continual build-up of bacteria on the tongue can cause you to loose taste buds. "You can also end up with tongue related sores that can make it difficult to eat or talk," suggests periodontist Dr. Rice.  

Build-up on your tongue is the leading cause of bad breath.  Bacteria that stays stale in one place it can cause your breath to repel those around you even if you are taking the time to brush and floss everyday.

Good oral hygiene can prevent bacteria causing gingivitis and periodontal disease too. Another good reason to remember your routine and practice it daily.  

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