Wednesday, February 17, 2016

7 Habits That Improve Your Oral Health

There is no denying that some things are great for your gums while other habits can damage them. Your gums are sensitive and brushing too hard can cause erosion, while flossing helps to keep them firm and healthy. “Here are seven daily habits you can immediately implement to improve your overall oral health,” says Dr. Denine Rice.

1.     Brush. There is no other better habit you can institute that removes food from the teeth and gums.
2.     Floss 1x a day. Food gets trapped between the teeth and will mix with the bacteria. Eventually this causes periodontal disease.
3.     Consume yogurt 1x a day. The bacteria in yogurt is good for the gums.
4.     Drink water. Consuming 64 OZ a day of water helps decrease the bacteria growth in your mouth.
5.     Visit the periodontist regularly if you have gingivitis or periodontal disease. A laser procedure can help to remove plaque and bacteria below the gum line.
6.     Limit or avoid bread. Bread sticks to the teeth causing more problems for your smile.
7.     Limit the amount of acidic food you eat. While lemon and lime can help decrease your appetite and help you lose weight, over consuming these types of foods can decrease the enamel on your teeth. Enamel is a hard substance that protects against sensitivity.

For more information on ways to improve your gum health, contact Dr. Rice & her team today.

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