Saturday, April 23, 2016

Why Laser Procedures for Periodontal Disease May Be a Great Fit for You

If you have visited your dentist lately and they are concerned about periodontal disease, Dr.Denine Rice recommends taking time to look at whether dental laser surgery is right for you. Not only does laser dental surgery help decrease your overall dental pain, you have a shorter recovery time as well.  Traditional periodontal surgery would require your gums to be cut, areas scraped and then tissue sutured. Usually you could expect to be out of work for a day to several and some patients struggled to complete daily activities due to pain.

But now there is an awesome alternative to this problem. Laser periodontal procedures use thin lasers to remove bacteria from below the gum line. Once the laser has removed the plaque and the decay, Dr. Denine Rice will move to the next quadrant. No need for sutures because there is nothing to cut. No need for longer recovery time because using lasers allows for very little swelling and problems. In fact, most people go back to work the very next day if not a few hours later.

While laser surgery may not be the right fit for everyone, enjoy a consultation today with Dr. Rice & her team in order to determine if this is the right fit for you.

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