Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Stop! You Forgot To Floss!

“Flossing isn’t just a suggestion,” says Dr. Denine Rice, “It is a must.” There is only one way to save your gums and your teeth for a lifetime, and that is flossing. Food gets between the teeth even if you don’t see it, feel it, or think it is there. Regular brushing is awesome, but flossing is the bread and butter of dental health.  Millions of people every day are impacted by periodontal disease, but you do not have to be one of them. Here are 4 reasons why people say they don’t floss and what you can do to help.

1.     “My teeth are too tight.”
a.     Finding a coated floss, like Glide. It can help to glide between the teeth and remove any food that is stuck between teeth that are close together.
2.     “I don’t have enough time in the morning.”
a.     That is okay. Floss on your way out the door, at your first bathroom break, or at night, before bed, when your day has wound down.
3.     “The floss breaks.”
a.     Try different kinds of floss, and you may even want to use flossers. They can help to keep the floss from breaking.
4.     “I have bleeding Gums.”
a.     Gums bleed when you have periodontal disease and gingivitis. After a regular flossing routine has been established, your gums shouldn’t bleed any more. If they do, you may need to schedule an appointment for a periodontal cleaning.

For more suggestions and support with enhancing your flossing routine, contact Dr. Rice and her team today!

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