Tuesday, September 27, 2016

5 Ways To Create Healthy Looking Gums

Your gums protect your teeth from more than just sensitivity to hot and cold. Without your gums your teeth would not be able to stay in your mouth. As time goes on they may begin to break down or recede. Without proper brushing and flossing routines, they may be puffy, swollen and bleed when you brush and floss. This is not normal and can be reversed with these 6 habits.

1.     Brush regularly.
2.     Visit the dentist for a routine cleaning. Once you have this completed they can let you know if you have periodontal disease or gingivitis and need to consult with a periodontist.
3.     Eat healthy foods. This cannot be stressed enough when it comes to your oral health. Fresh fruits and vegetables with a high concentration of water and low concentration of natural sugar helps to keep food from sticking to your teeth. The longer food is on your teeth the more at risk you are for bacteria to run rampant damaging your gums.
4.     Floss at least 1x a day. While recent reports have suggested that flossing may just be a great idea, there is no other solution that removes food from between the teeth and keeps your gums free from food.
5.     Do not put off seeing the periodontist. Once it has been recommended that you visit a periodontist the sooner you get an appointment the sooner you can be on your way to healthy gums.
For more information on how to keep your gums healthy contact Dr. Rice and her team.

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