Monday, September 19, 2016

Floss Or Loss

A recent article came out suggesting that flossing is not a necessary part of your dental routine and while research in this study suggested that the results were inconclusive, 8,000 periodontists, including Dr. Denine Rice and her team, say that keeping the space between your gums clean is the only way to reduce your risk of periodontal disease.

Adults across the nation can see that going just 1 or 2 days without flossing can cause pain, problems with bleeding gums, and years of not flossing give bacteria free rain to cause damage to your overall gum health. “Flossing is the key to a healthy smile and to keeping your teeth,” says Dr.Rice.

When bacteria is left on the surface or below your gums, they begin to swell and/or bleed. This is due to your body attempting to fight off the bacteria by using an inflammatory response. When your body is unable to get rid of the bacteria, your body will stay in this mode for long periods of time which can lead to other problems.

 Once, the bacteria have attacked your gums and regular flossing routines are not in place, your teeth can become loose, your gums may recede, and eventually this can lead to you losing your teeth.

Take time to floss. For more information on the importance of flossing contact Dr. Rice and her team.

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