Wednesday, July 8, 2015

6 Ways To Improve Your Oral Health

While there are millions of bacteria that live in your mouth on any given day, you don’t have to stand by and allow them to take your beautiful healthy smile away. It’s time to begin a strategic attack in order to battle decay and disease to get your smile back to a natural and healthy state. Optimal oral health is about more than cosmetic dentistry or seeing your periodontist, it’s about replacing old habits with new ones that will allow you to have a beautiful smile.

1.     Drink water. Drinking water is the easiest way to help decrease disease and decay and get your smile back to healthy. Water helps remove food from the teeth and keeps your mouth from getting dry.
2.     Eat fruit. Not only does fruit have a high concentration of water already in it, it’s low in sugar,“ says One of Inland Empire’s Top Dentists, Dr. Denine Rice. Foods with a high concentration of water increase the chance of sugar causing cavities and decay and increase bacteria counts in the mouth.
3.     Decrease the consumption of all other foods with sugar in them. The summer time provides an increased opportunity for spending time with loved ones enjoying cakes and other treats. Avoid large quantities of the goodies and make sure to brush as soon as you can.
4.     Avoid soda. Soda has a large amount of sugar and acid that attacks the enamel on your teeth. 
5.     Floss your teeth at least once a day. There is no reason to lie to your dentist because if you are not brushing it will show up during your routine cleaning. Floss is critical to keeping your smile healthy; it is the only option for removing food between the teeth.

     Visit your periodontist and have any procedures completed that need to be done to help keep your smile at its brightest and healthiest.

Talk to Dr. Rice & her team for more options.

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