Monday, January 6, 2014

Gum care tips:

While most of us are focused on brushing and flossing to prevent decay there is another very important reason to keep your dental hygiene routine. Your gums play a major role in keeping your teeth.

“Bleeding and swollen gums are a sign of periodontal disease,” says Dr. Denine Rice from her Riverside Periodontal and Implant Specialty Practice. “And periodontal disease affects not only your ability to keep your teeth but it also impacts your overall health as well.”

So here are a few tips to keep your tissue healthy this year:

1.     Find the right brush. The right brush can be either a manual or electric one, but it needs to have soft bristles. Hard or medium brushes can damage gum tissue as well as remove enamel from your teeth.
2.     When brushing, use a gentle circular motion instead of a back and forth scrubbing motion.
3.     You’ve heard all about flossing only the teeth you wish to keep, but it’s also important to know that you should be in control of your floss. Gently slide the floss between the teeth, careful to not snap it into the gums. Then wrap the floss around the tooth and glide it along the surface.
4.     Protecting your gums this year should also include regular visits to your dentist. “Your dentist determines the frequency in which you should be seen based on many factors,” adds Dr. Rice. “While your dental insurance benefit may allow for a couple of visits per year, pay attention to what your dentist recommends.” Build up of calculus and plaque can initiate the disease process and once started, it can only be controlled. Another reason to keep frequency as recommended – it saves money. Preventative dentistry is much less expensive.

So this year, keep your smile and your gums happy!

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