Monday, January 27, 2014

Halitosis – How Do I Get Rid Of Bad Breath?

“Bad breath, or halitosis can be caused by a number of factors: poor dental health, food choices, tobacco and/or it can be a sign of other health problems,” says Dr. Denine Rice from her Periodontal Surgery Practice in Riverside, California.

Brushing and flossing daily promotes good dental health. Not only does it reduce the bacteria that are found in the mouth, but it also removes food debris from the teeth and tongue which many times are the cause of bad breath. Also, patients who brush, floss and see their dentist regularly are many times less likely to have extensive decay that also contributes to halitosis.

What you eat plays a role as well. All food eaten is broken down in your mouth, digested and absorbed into your bloodstream. Once in your bloodstream it will eventually find itself carried to your lungs where it is released into your breath. “Foods such as garlic and onions will not go away even with brushing and flossing until the foods have passed through your body,” Dr. Rice adds.

Smoking and/or chewing tobacco-based products also can cause bad breath. 

Finally, persistent bad breath may be an indicator of something else going on:
1.     Gum disease is caused by bacteria found in the mouth and when left untreated it can result in persistent bad breath.
2.     A condition called xerostomia (dry mouth) can result in halitosis. Saliva is needed to clean and cleanse the mouth and when enough saliva cannot be produced the result may be bad breath.
3.     When dental prosthetics or appliances are not well maintained they can also cause a bad odor.
4.     Infections like pneumonia or bronchitis, sinus infections, postnasal drip, diabetes and acid reflux can all also contribute to bad breath.

Dentist routinely treat halitosis.They will quickly determine if the odor is related to oral health and make recommendations based on what they see. If you are suffering from bad breath, don’t wait, see your dentist and set a course to better health.

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