Saturday, April 23, 2016

Why Laser Procedures for Periodontal Disease May Be a Great Fit for You

If you have visited your dentist lately and they are concerned about periodontal disease, Dr.Denine Rice recommends taking time to look at whether dental laser surgery is right for you. Not only does laser dental surgery help decrease your overall dental pain, you have a shorter recovery time as well.  Traditional periodontal surgery would require your gums to be cut, areas scraped and then tissue sutured. Usually you could expect to be out of work for a day to several and some patients struggled to complete daily activities due to pain.

But now there is an awesome alternative to this problem. Laser periodontal procedures use thin lasers to remove bacteria from below the gum line. Once the laser has removed the plaque and the decay, Dr. Denine Rice will move to the next quadrant. No need for sutures because there is nothing to cut. No need for longer recovery time because using lasers allows for very little swelling and problems. In fact, most people go back to work the very next day if not a few hours later.

While laser surgery may not be the right fit for everyone, enjoy a consultation today with Dr. Rice & her team in order to determine if this is the right fit for you.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Why Gingivitis Should Not Be Left Untreated

Sometimes, when you visit the periodontist, you may not know why it’s important to take care of mild periodontal disease, after all it doesn’t seem to be causing problems. Unfortunately periodontal disease, even minor gingivitis, can wreak havoc on the gums, your smile and your body. Once time has passed, if you have not taken care of the problem, it can then turn to a major problem. Periodontal disease can impact your heart, lungs, and the rest of your body.

“Gingivitis which is the term used for mild periodontal disease has symptoms such as bleeding when you brush or floss,” says Dr. Denine Rice. Any bleeding at all when you brush or floss is not a positive sign and should be taken care of as soon as possible. The sooner you take care of the problem the less likely you are to lose teeth, need major dental work, or to have swollen and puffy gums.

Once you have been diagnosed with gingivitis, schedule an appointment with Dr. Rice and her team for a consultation on which procedure is going to be most appropriate to get your smile back into working order.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Is Periodontal Disease Contagious?

While there has been some research on saliva and on whether kissing your partner with periodontal disease may impact your smile, here’s what Dr. Denine Rice and her team recommend: if your partner has periodontal disease, have them follow through with periodontal procedures that can help get their smile and health back on track. Then it is time for you to also be evaluated. The unfortunate part is that bacteria that cause inflammatory reactions can be spread through your romantic kiss.

The best thing to do is avoid sharing utensils and other oral supplies with your partner until they can get the treatment they need. Periodontal disease that is left untreated can cause heart disease, missing teeth, receding gums, and ultimately cause you to look older than you are. If you begin to lose teeth because your gums are not healthy enough to hold them in the pocket and protect them your smile will suffer. If your loved one shows signs of periodontal disease including bleeding gums, pain with flossing, or missing or cracked teeth, know that there are . options. But doing nothing will cause more problems.
Don’t waste time or put yourself at risk for periodontal disease, contact Dr. Rice & her team today.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

4 Questions To Ask Your Periodontist

The more you know about your dental and gum health the better off you are. Don’t take chances with periodontal disease because in the end you run the risk of causing more problems, not only for your smile but your general health as well. A periodontist may be just the answer to help improve the overall health of your smile. But before you sit down in the dental chair, ask these questions.

1.     How long have they been a periodontist? While every periodontist has to start somewhere it is important you know and understand the level of experience the individual has prior to treating you.
2.     Do they utilize an FDA approved laser for surgery for periodontal disease? While there may be a time and a place for periodontal procedures without lasers, you’ll want to know if your periodontist uses and has access to a laser that can reduce your healing time and  improve your oral health.
3.     What type of options do they have for gums that have receded? There are options to even out the front of your gums once you have taken care of the periodontal disease but if you don’t ask, you won’t know the best procedure for you.
4.     Will I lose my teeth if I don’t have a periodontal surgery procedure done? While you may be impacted by periodontal disease, until you schedule an appointment you won’t know the true impact that your periodontal disease may have on your smile.

For more information on how to get your gums back on track, contact Dr. Rice & her team.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

No Need To Wait, Get Help Today

New research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 79% of individuals are faced with gum disease today. Some factors that play a role in the overall impact of periodontal disease are economic status, ethnic minorities, tobacco users and individuals who do not have access to dental care. The number one way to prevent periodontal disease, if you fit into any of these categories, is to floss your teeth. Visiting the periodontist for treatment as soon as possible however, is the only way to get your periodontal disease under control.

The great thing about treatment today is that Dr. Rice and her team have access to an FDA approved periodontal laser that can help clean below the gum line and can decrease your risk of periodontal disease impacting your overall health. Lasers can go below the gum line and clean out the bacteria that is impacting your gum tissue and mean you can get your smile back on track.  Once the laser is used to clean around the infected gum tissue near the root, the laser then gets to work on taking care of the periodontal disease, getting it under control.

Periodontal laser surgery not only improves your dental and general health, but it results in less pain and zero sutures.

For more information on periodontal laser procedures contact Dr. Denine Rice & her team today.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Take 5, But Avoid the Kit Kat

While you may want to reach for that Kit Kat bar when you are stressed or when you need a break, save your gums and instead reach for a healthier snack. Eight servings of fruits and vegetables a day can help to rinse the food off of the surface of your teeth. While chocolate sticks to your teeth, mixing with the bacteria already in your mouth. Dr. Denine Rice says, “The longer sugar stays on your teeth the more opportunity the sugar has to mix with the bacteria causing a higher risk of decay and periodontal disease. Not to mention the risk of obesity, heart disease and other weight related problems.”

But don’t panic if you need a sweet treat, there are plenty of other options, including not only fruit, that has a sweet natural sugar taste, but also vegetables such as cucumbers, waiting to rinse the food from your teeth. In the event you can’t live without the chocolate, you’re in luck because research has found that dark chocolate - close to the confection of the cocoa bean - is good for your teeth. So, enjoy a treat today.

For more information on healthy food for your teeth, contact, Dr. Rice & her team today.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Do You Love Your Gums?

Your gums and you may have a love hate relationship. You may wake up in the morning with a desire to treat them better. But as the day goes on, you might forget that you have to treat them with love. Dr. Rice recommends, “The more love you show them, the better they will treat you.” Unfortunately, left to themselves, your gums may make a nasty turn for the worse.  If continued to be left untreated, this problem can begin to attack your liver, heart and the rest of your body. Periodontal disease can negatively impact your smile, your gums and your body.

By committing to flossing 1x a day, you can turn this relationship around. Recommit to loving your gums and show them the interest they deserve. There is no other way to remove food from between the teeth and no other act of love you can show them that is greater than flossing.

While flossing is the top activity you can complete to save your gums and your body, drinking plenty of water can rinse food from your teeth in between brushing and flossing. Food that is left on your teeth can destroy your smile. But drinking plenty of water can help to keep your smile healthy for a lifetime.

For more information on how to prevent Periodontal disease contact, Dr. Rice and her team today.