Tuesday, September 27, 2016

5 Ways To Create Healthy Looking Gums

Your gums protect your teeth from more than just sensitivity to hot and cold. Without your gums your teeth would not be able to stay in your mouth. As time goes on they may begin to break down or recede. Without proper brushing and flossing routines, they may be puffy, swollen and bleed when you brush and floss. This is not normal and can be reversed with these 6 habits.

1.     Brush regularly.
2.     Visit the dentist for a routine cleaning. Once you have this completed they can let you know if you have periodontal disease or gingivitis and need to consult with a periodontist.
3.     Eat healthy foods. This cannot be stressed enough when it comes to your oral health. Fresh fruits and vegetables with a high concentration of water and low concentration of natural sugar helps to keep food from sticking to your teeth. The longer food is on your teeth the more at risk you are for bacteria to run rampant damaging your gums.
4.     Floss at least 1x a day. While recent reports have suggested that flossing may just be a great idea, there is no other solution that removes food from between the teeth and keeps your gums free from food.
5.     Do not put off seeing the periodontist. Once it has been recommended that you visit a periodontist the sooner you get an appointment the sooner you can be on your way to healthy gums.
For more information on how to keep your gums healthy contact Dr. Rice and her team.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Cosmetic Procedures Are Not Just For Your Teeth

There are numerous factors that can impact your smile and when Dr. Denine Rice sees gums that have receded or swollen and puffy gums, she knows that it is important to help patients understand the importance of looking at options to restore their gum health.

Your gums help hold your teeth in place and decrease the risk of them becoming loose. Once you lose one tooth you are further at risk to lose more. You can also develop problems with your jaw and the alignment of your teeth as they shift into the locations where you have missing teeth.

Gum graft procedures can help take gum tissue from other locations in your mouth and place them where you need it most. Once the tissue is placed it will heal and blend with your other tissue, replacing your exposed roots with healthy tissue.

A laser periodontal procedure removes bacteria from below the gum line and decreases bleeding, puffiness and bacteria. When individuals have periodontal disease their bodies are constantly fighting infection which can lead to heart disease and other problems. Laser periodontal procedures do not require sutures and can usually be completed in 1 or 2 days requiring very little downtime.

For more information on cosmetic gum procedures that can restore your smile, contact Dr. Rice and her team today.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Fall Is Around The Corner

Fall is right around the corner and it is time for baking, sweet treats and family time. This can also be a time where you throw your gum health out the window. But Dr. Rice and her team encourage you to make a conscious effort to support your gum health through this holiday season and enjoy the beautiful photos that you will be rewarded with. Here are 4 tips and tricks to get you through the holiday season.

1.     Limit the sweet treats when you are not able to brush your teeth, or chew sugar free gum. The gum can help to remove the carbohydrates and the sugar from sticking to your teeth which can decrease your risk of decay.
2.     Brush and floss at a regular time. This can be tricky when schedules begin to get hectic, but doing something every day at the same time helps to build a habit you won’t easily forget.
3.     Drink water and decrease soda and other acidic drinks. The water helps to keep food from sticking to the surface of your teeth and ensures that the bacteria in your mouth stays at a reasonable level.
4.     Visit your periodontist. When schedules get hectic it can be a challenge to keep appointments but sticking to your periodontal appointment will decrease the chance of any problems occurring with your gum health.

For more information on how to keep your smile healthy contact Dr. Rice and her team today. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

7 Most Common Questions About Laser Periodontal Procedure

Here Are Your Questions Answered:

1.     Is it expensive? Laser Periodontal Procedures cost is comparable to what you pay if you have traditional periodontal procedures completed. The savings come from keeping existing teeth.
2.     How long before I can resume normal activities? This can take a little while depending on how you do with anesthetic. You will want to take it easy the day you have the procedure.
3.     Can I eat right after the procedure? You will want to wait a few hours after the procedure before to eating anything.
4.     Do I resume normal brushing and flossing routines? Dr. Rice and her team will give you after-care instructions. You will want to follow those instructions prior to brushing and flossing.
5.     Does Dental Insurance cover laser periodontal procedures? Some do cover a percentage of what the procedure would cost.
6.     Does Laser Periodontal Procedure hurt? Traditional periodontal therapy requires the gums to be cut back in order to clean out bacteria. Laser therapy requires you to be numb, but using a laser helps to reduce pain and discomfort, as there is no cutting or suturing.
7.     Does Laser Periodontal Procedure really work to reduce periodontal disease? Yes, the laser is able to go below the gum line in order to clean out bacteria that is causing periodontal disease.

For more information on Laser Periodontal Procedures, contact Dr. Rice and her team today.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Floss Or Loss

A recent article came out suggesting that flossing is not a necessary part of your dental routine and while research in this study suggested that the results were inconclusive, 8,000 periodontists, including Dr. Denine Rice and her team, say that keeping the space between your gums clean is the only way to reduce your risk of periodontal disease.

Adults across the nation can see that going just 1 or 2 days without flossing can cause pain, problems with bleeding gums, and years of not flossing give bacteria free rain to cause damage to your overall gum health. “Flossing is the key to a healthy smile and to keeping your teeth,” says Dr.Rice.

When bacteria is left on the surface or below your gums, they begin to swell and/or bleed. This is due to your body attempting to fight off the bacteria by using an inflammatory response. When your body is unable to get rid of the bacteria, your body will stay in this mode for long periods of time which can lead to other problems.

 Once, the bacteria have attacked your gums and regular flossing routines are not in place, your teeth can become loose, your gums may recede, and eventually this can lead to you losing your teeth.

Take time to floss. For more information on the importance of flossing contact Dr. Rice and her team.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

4 Reasons Why You Should Get A Laser Periodontal Procedure

The health of your smile is critical to the success you may feel. If you are hiding your smile due to unhealthy gums, this could be preventing you from getting that promotion, or from meeting people. Our smile is the 1st thing people look at when you interview for a new job.  Here are 6 reasons why you may want to consider Laser Periodontal Procedure.

1.     Improves overall gum health. A laser periodontal procedure gets below the gum line to remove bacteria. Removing bacteria can help your gums to be healthy, reduce redness, and decrease swelling. It also decreases the risk of losing a tooth due to gum recession.
2.     Laser periodontal therapy does not require extensive downtime for healing. You can be back to work within , many times, a day and some people are able to go back almost immediately. You may feel numb, but that wears off quickly.
3.     Periodontal disease can impact not only your gums but your other major organs in a negative way.
4.     Utilizing lasers instead of traditional methods decreases pain and other discomfort after the procedure.

For more information on Laser Periodontal Procedures contact Dr. Rice and her team today!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Be Proud & Flash Your Pearly Whites

Your gums are the foundation to a healthy smile. When your gums are happy and healthy, your smile is happy and healthy. Periodontal disease can attack the gums, causing them to recede or look puffy, red and swollen. Not only does periodontal disease have a negative impact on your smile and body, it can have a negative impact on your self-esteem. So, treat yourself to a Laser Periodontal treatment and start enjoying your smile again.

Some say that a smile is more important than any other characteristic in creating a warm and likeable personality. It invites people to communicate with you. It shows you are interested in the story your friend is telling, and from across the room your smile lets someone know that you would like to talk to them further. Our smile can communicate what our words fail to say.

But not smiling because you are embarrassed by your smile can communicate the wrong message. People may think you are unfriendly, angry or sad when you are not. Pursing your lips too tight in order to avoid showing off your teeth can cause wrinkle lines around your mouth, which in turn can cause you to look older than you are.

If you are feeling uncomfortable with smiling due to periodontal disease or other gum problems, contact Dr. Rice and her team today!