Saturday, November 29, 2014

Five Tips For Picking Floss

While there are multiple types of floss at the grocery store, not all floss is created equal.  In order to create a positive experience with flossing you want to pick one that fits your needs. If you don’t want to take the time to measure out the right amount of floss, then buy flossers. "If flossers gross you out because the same floss is used between each tooth, then find floss that is waxed or not waxed," says Dr. Denine Rice.

Pick a starting point in your mouth. It does not matter if you begin to floss at the back of your mouth or in the middle. What matters is that you do not forget any teeth. There are some hard to reach spots inside your mouth, however, they are just as important as the front.

Move gently between each tooth reaching each surface. Ramming the floss harshly between your teeth can bruise or damage the gums. "You want to protect them by gliding the floss between your teeth," suggests periodontist Dr. Rice. While we may think that our gums are able to with stand anything they actually are a soft tissue that can be damaged.

If you are using regular floss, you will want to get about eighteen inches of floss and wrap it around your index fingers. You’ll want to leave space between your index fingers as this is the piece that you will use to floss your teeth.

After you finish flossing your teeth Dr. Denine Rice recommends, “Rinse your mouth with a little water or mouthwash. This will help get rid of the food particles and allow you to be ready for your day with fresh breath.”

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Flossing Is Your Secret Weapon

Flossing is your weapon against periodontal disease. We know you’re busy and have a hectic schedule, however skipping this important activity just once puts your gums and your body at risk. All it takes is two-three minutes a day to create a fantastic smile.  Dr. Denine Rice says, "no matter whether you are twenty and never flossed or sixty, you can change this habit today." 

Flossing is so important and critical to your smile because it reaches all of the food that gets between the teeth. Food that builds up between the teeth changes into bacteria that then turns into acid and attacks your enamel.  Bacteria weakened enamel creates an opportunity for chips and cracks in your teeth. It also impacts the overall health of your gums. The bacteria go below the gum line creating a pocket that leaves your teeth exposed to disease.

"When you first start flossing you may experience somesensitivity and bleeding," states periodontist Dr. Rice. However, after a few short days of effective regular flossing the bleeding should stop and your gums will be back to being healthy. If you continue to experience bleeding, contact your local periodontist to determine if other treatments are necessary to improve their overall health.

Many people do not realize, your mouth is the window to the health of your body and if your gums are unhealthy you open yourself up to problems throughout your entire body. Don’t let that happen. Starting today get into the habit of flossing.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

How Your Gums Are Impacted During The Holiday Season!

 This holiday season don’t let brushing and flossing go to the wayside. We know you’re busy cooking, spending time with family and shopping, but your gums still need your care. Set reminders to brush and floss twice a day if you think your holiday is going to be jam-packed.  It can be easy to forget to pack your toothbrush when you’re rushing to make the six a.m. flight to New York to be with your brother or loved ones. However, the increased food consumption over the holidays and bad eating habits can cause multiple problems for you when you return if you haven’t kept to your normal routine.
            For example, Dr. Denine Rice reports that after the holidays she sees a rise of new patients who have severe dental decay. While your gums and teeth may not be in great shape before the holidays, not taking care of them while you are consuming turkey, stuffing, cranberries, nuts and pumpkin pie makes a bad situation for your gums and teeth even worse. Another one of the treatment areas where periodontist Dr. Denine Rice sees an increase after the holiday is in chipped and broken tooth.  While you’re enjoying the party mixed nuts or hardened foods you may unfortunately chip a tooth below the gum line.  If this situation happens to you, Dr. Rice is able to complete a crown lengthening procedure to help rebuild the area in order for teeth to be replaced.
            While it may seem like a good idea to indulge during the holidays, do your teeth a favor and protect your teeth and gums. And if it’s time to see your dentist, don’t let the holidays allow you to put it off. Call today.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

What Does A Periodontist Do?

Your periodontist does more than just scrape the bacteria from your gums. She not only restores the health of your gums, but also increases the overall health of your body. And that’s not all. Periodontist Dr. Denine Rice, can provide bone grafting if necessary to place implants.   Have you found lesions in your mouth? She can evaluate the lesions and complete an extensive oral health exam to make sure your mouth is free of cancerous cells

Dr. Denine Rice is an expert in extreme gum problems.  While your general dentist is able to provide a general cleaning to help reduce the inflammation in the gums, periodontists are trained to use the latest technology in order to get your gum tissue back to a normal and healthy color with reduced inflammation.  

A periodontist is also able to evaluate your options if you have loose teeth due to gum disease. When your gums begin to recede due to gum disease, Inland Empire’s  Top Dentist,Dr. Rice is able to assess all of your options in order to save any teeth if possible. Earlier detection of gum disease can allow for more treatments to save teeth.

Unfortunately, there are times when the tooth decay is extreme or you have loose teeth that cannot be saved. Or perhaps you are missing teeth. Dr. Rice will work with you to evaluate your options for replacing missing teeth. For example, she might recommend bone-grafting surgery that allows her to rebuild the foundation to place implants and restore your beautiful smile.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Oral Cancer & What It Means For You

A periodontist not only completes root scaling and planning, or other surgeries to decrease dental gum disease, Dr. Denine Rice suggests that when you visit to have an oral health care screening done. While the health of your mouth is important and the team at Rice Periodontics and Implant Surgery wants to decrease your overall negative results of periodontal disease they also want to make sure that you do not have any potential signs of cancer

An oral health screening can be completed in the office and takes just a few minutes. An evaluation will be completed looking for any lesions in the mouth or white spots. Any spots that have changed color or grown in size may be suspicious. This procedure takes just a few extra minutes and the earlier that oral cancer is diagnosed the earlier treatment can begin.

An individual that smokes or uses smokeless tobacco is at a greater risk of cancer.  Although, any lesions today may be noncancerous, continuing to smoke and chew increases your risk everyday.

If Dr. Rice finds cancer after your screening she will contact you for options. In some cases she may suggest a follow-up screening to determine if the lesions have changed at all or she may recommend completing a biopsy to determine the right course of action.

Dr. Rice & her team work to provide excellent oral care for all patients which is why she is named one of Inland Empire’s Top Dentists.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

DentalVibe & You

Dr. Denine Rice is not just a periodontist she’s one of Inland Empire’s top rated dentists. A periodontist supports patients who have severe gum disease, and she is an expert in oral inflammation and placement of dental implants. However, that is not all. Dr. Denine Rice works to provide the best care for patients using the latest dental technology in order to provide you with exceptional care. 
One of the technologies that Dr. Rice and her team use is called DentalVibe. This miraculous tool allows patients a better dental visit by providing little impulses to an injection site before the shot is given. Patients report that DentalVibe creates a less painful injection.

DentalVibe takes visiting the periodontist to a whole new level. You can leave that anxiety about shots at the door and enter a world where you’re being provided a better dental experience.  This specially designed tool has been reviewed across multiple dental offices and with hundreds of thousands of patients. Dr. Denine Rice believes in only using the best tools for her patients. 

Now the deal is even sweeter because when you use DentalVibe at Dr. Rice’s office you can review your experience online and be entered to win an IPAD mini and a final grand prize.  Ask Dr. Rice and her team today for details and enjoy your next visit with painless shots.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Brushing Your Tongue

While you chew food particles build up on the surface of your teeth. "You may remember to brush twice a day, but if you are not brushing your tongue you’re doing an injustice to your mouth and potentially risking your overall health,"says Dr. Denine Rice.

Food particles, and other bacteria from the air can stick to the tongue causing your breath to smell, and plaque to build-up. Plaque is a soft sticky substance that accumulates on your teeth and tongue. Plaque is dangerous because it contains millions of bacteria. The bacteria turn into acid and acid attacks the enamel on your teeth.

A more complicated affect of not properly brushing your tongue happens over time. Continual build-up of bacteria on the tongue can cause you to loose taste buds. "You can also end up with tongue related sores that can make it difficult to eat or talk," suggests periodontist Dr. Rice.  

Build-up on your tongue is the leading cause of bad breath.  Bacteria that stays stale in one place it can cause your breath to repel those around you even if you are taking the time to brush and floss everyday.

Good oral hygiene can prevent bacteria causing gingivitis and periodontal disease too. Another good reason to remember your routine and practice it daily.  

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Proper Way To Brush

Prevention is the key to success with your gums.  Tooth decay is caused when acid stays on the teeth and begins to attack the enamel. "While you may feel that you can just stick your toothbrush in your mouth and move it back in forth, that is actually not the case," says periodontist Dr. Denine Rice. It is important to use proper brushing techniques to ensure a long lasting smile.
Your toothbrush should have a smaller head with soft bristles.   The bristles of the toothbrush should not be too stiff. The toothbrush should enter your mouth at a forty-five degree angle.   If you open your mouth and your toothbrush head hits the roof of your mouth or the fit is uncomfortable, you may want to get a toothbrush with a smaller head.

Move your toothbrush around in small circles around your teeth.  Dr.Rice suggests, “Brush the gum line as well as the surface of your teeth.” 

There are four quadrants of the mouth, and three different surfaces on each tooth that need to be brushed. It is easy for food to get stuck on the top surface of the molars, make sure to gently brush this area in a back and forth motion in order to get all of the food off of the chewing surface. 

When you’re finished with all of your teeth, don’t forget your tongue. Bacteria can build up on the tongue and lead to decay on your teeth.