Saturday, May 28, 2016

3 Reasons LANAP Is State Of The Art

State of the art isn't just a catchy phrase... it's an investment we've made to bring you the highest quality care!

1.     Dr. Rice and her team are pleased to bring you the latest dental innovations including LANAP, a laser based technique for the treatment of periodontal disease.  This tiny laser is able to complete periodontal surgery faster and with less time in the chair.

2.     With LANAP treatment can be accomplished quickly so you can return quickly to a more comfortable life! While the tiny laser is below the gum removing bacteria, you are able to sit back and relax and know that you are in capable hands. LANAP laser is able to clean each quadrant quickly instead of requiring you to visit multiple times.

3.     Using a tiny fiber the width of three human hairs, this laser gently removes diseased tissue in between the tooth and gums so the body can heal. By removing the disease tissue, your organs can begin to get back to health. Dr. Rice utilizes LANAP instead of traditional periodontal surgery because it allows her to effectively clean the area, remove all of the disease tissue, and doesn’t require sutures or cutting of the gum tissue.

Ask a Rice Laser Periodontics & Implant Surgery team member about the benefits of LANAP laser therapy today.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Start Your Day with a Beautiful Smile!

Rice of Rice Laser Periodontics & Implant Surgery was voted one of the Inland Empire's top dentists by patients and peers. From dental exams and cleanings to the latest in periodontal therapies, they're there to help you achieve a healthy smile for a lifetime. They are conveniently located in Riverside at 3731 Tibbetts Street, and are available to serve you Monday through Thursday 8 to 5 with same-day emergency service for your peace of mind.

When you have a dental emergency don’t wait to get help, taking care of your smile immediately after a problem has occurred can avoid the costly mistake of needing more dental work.

Not sure what your periodontal need is? That’s okay, Dr. Rice and her team will conduct a consultation in order to evaluate what problems you are facing and what treatments may turn your smile from something you want to hide, to a wow smile you can’t wait to show off to everyone. 

To learn more about their practice and meet the team, please visit them online at Rice Periodontics dot com.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

5 Signs You May Have a Periodontal Abscess

If you are impacted by periodontal disease you may also have an abscess, or a pocket of infection from the infected tooth. If left untreated this can lead to loss of tooth and bone structure. An abscess is an infection that requires treatment, and you may want to consider laser periodontal treatment. Here are 5 signs that you may have a periodontal abscess.

1.     Tooth elevation, if your tooth looks higher up then other ones you may be impacted by an abscess. When pus forms below the tooth and bone is lost, the tooth may lift and look elevated in the mirror.
2.     Swelling of the lymph nodes can occur in some people due to the infection spreading to other parts of the body. This is never a good thing.
3.     Pain and irritation in the area of the mouth, which can impact your ability to eat.
4.     If left untreated for too long, you may begin to have a fever as your body fights the infection.
5.     Sensitivity when you consume hot or cold items on the tooth that is impacted.

Don’t wait until it is too late. If you have a periodontal abscess, contact Dr. Denine Rice today for options.  The sooner you take care of the problem, the quicker you can be on your way to enjoying your life. For more information on periodontal concerns contact Dr. Rice and her team today. 

Friday, May 20, 2016

6 Reasons Why You Should Smile

Your smile is important. You may not think you have the time or money to take care of your smile, but it should be your top priority. Unhealthy smiles have been linked to a decrease in friendships and job opportunities, as well as a decrease in overall health. With a healthier smile, comes a better life. Here are 6 reasons why you should show off your smile today.

1.     Reduces stress. Individuals who show off their pearly whites are less likely to be impacted negatively by stress.
2.     Improves mood. Even if you are unhappy research shows the more you smile the happier you become.
3.     Improves opportunities. People who smile are provided opportunities that individuals who appear depressed or sad may not be given.
4.     People who smile, have more friends. Happiness attracts happiness. The happier you are, the more people want to hang out with you.
5.     Smiling lowers blood pressure. People who are chronically stressed out and do not smile show they have higher blood pressure and decreased overall health.
6.     Difficult situations can be handled better when a person smiles. When you are faced with a stressful situation, it can seem to go away when you smile and deal with the problem in a positive manner.

For more information on improving your smile, contact Dr. Rice and her team today.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Why Do You Need To Brush Your Tongue

It may seem silly to brush your tongue, but it is actually an important part of your dental practices. There is more to it though, then just putting the toothbrush in your mouth and moving from side to side a few times. In order to properly remove the biofilm on your tongue and successfully remove the bacteria from the crevices, it is important to follow these tips and tricks. Buildup of plaque on your tongue can lead to gingivitis and periodontal disease. While taste buds are an important part of our mouth and serve an important role, food and bacteria stick to the tiny hairs on the tongue which can lead to bad oral health.

The toothbrush you use should have small, soft bristles that fit comfortably in your mouth. You do not want it to be too big or the bristles to be rough, this can cause damage to your gums.

Brush back and forth across your tongue for at least 1 minute. Then you’ll want to brush side to side. This ensures that you get all of your tongue and are not missing out and leaving too much bacteria on parts of your tongue.  Once you have brushed, it is important to rinse your mouth out.

For more information contact Dr. Rice and her team today.

Friday, May 13, 2016

3 Reasons Why You Should Brush Your Tongue

Your tongue holds bacteria from the foods you consume throughout the day. If you are not taking the time to brush your tongue, the bacteria can cause gingivitis that can eventually lead to periodontal disease. If you are not brushing your tongue while brushing and flossing, you may be doing your mouth a disservice. Here are 3 reasons why you should brush your tongue.
1.     There are crevices on your tongue where bacteria can get stuck unless you take the time to brush. Bacteria will sit in these areas causing build up. The more bacteria that is on your tongue the greater risk you are to having dental problems.

2.     The buildup that resides on your tongue is called, “biofilm.” As this biofilm builds up, if you are using mouthwash, it simply kills the outside but not the inside of the cell. You may think rinsing and brushing your teeth allow you to have fresh breath and a healthy smile, but the problem is the cells that reside beneath the biofilm, sits throughout the day and then more buildup occurs as you consume your favorite foods.

3.     Not brushing your tongue can cause bad breath. Employers say one of the first things they judge is a smile. If you are interviewing for that job of a lifetime the last thing you want is to be impacted by bad breath.

For more information on brushing your tongue and other ways to avoid buildup contact Dr. Rice and her team today.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Power of Your Smile

Don’t underestimate the power of your smile. A smile to a stranger having a bad day can change their entire life. Smiling helps to build your self-confidence and helps you achieve goals and dreams you didn’t even know you wanted. And a smile has the power to change a child’s entire day and help them to achieve their own goals. 

If you look down when someone walks by or try to hide your smile during that most recent Facebook post showing you and your friends night out, it may be time to talk to your periodontist Dr. Denine Rice. Making small but incremental changes with the health of your gums can make big changes with your smile. 

If your gums are bleeding or swollen, a laser periodontal procedure can reduce puffiness without the impact of traditional periodontal surgery. Your gums should not bleed at all when you brush and floss. If you are finding this is not the case, you have gingivitis and the only way to change this is by flossing 1x a day in conjunction with a minimally invasive periodontal procedure.

You may be hiding your smile because when you smile your gums are uneven causing your teeth to look as if they are different lengths. By meeting with Dr. Denine Rice and her team, it can be determined if you are a candidate for a gum graft procedure. This can allow your gums to be even.

For more information on how your smile can be improved or to schedule your consultation appointment with Dr. Rice and her team call today.  

Friday, May 6, 2016

3 Reasons Why Fighting Periodontal Disease Is Important

We have heard all the information before. Periodontal disease causes other problems. Periodontal disease can decrease self-confidence and people impacted by periodontal disease may have a shorter life span. In the end, more than 68% of Americans are impacted by periodontal disease across the United States. Here are 3 other reasons why treating periodontal disease is important that you may not have heard. 
  1. Periodontal disease can be transferred between family members. While you may think you are the only one in your family who is impacted by periodontal disease. Research today shows that kissing your baby on the lips, or sharing utensils can cause bacteria infected saliva to transfer to your child and can negatively impact their dental health.
  2. People with periodontal disease have higher rates of dental procedures that cost more money and they also have the potential for higher medical bills. Individuals diagnosed with periodontal disease are more likely to also have heart disease, diabetes and other health-related problems.
  3. Periodontal disease may be increasing your feelings of depression or sadness. Research supports that people who have dental problems can be impacted when applying for a job they want because employers evaluate their success with their smile.
For more information on how to improve your smile and decrease the negative impact of periodontal disease in your life. 

Contact Dr. Denine Rice and her team today.  

Monday, May 2, 2016

5 Myths About Flossing

Waking up in the morning, flossing may or may not be a part of your routine. But Dr. Denine Rice says, “It’s the number one habit you have that can save your smile for a lifetime.” Here are 7 myths about flossing that you need to know.

1.     Bleeding gums is a bad sign & you should not floss.
a.     Your gums bleed because bacteria below the gum line is impacting their health. Flossing can ensure that your gums stay healthy.
2.     I don’t have food in my teeth, I shouldn’t floss.
a.     In fact, floss helps to remove plague built up between teeth, not just remove food from between the teeth.
3.     Flossing is only for older individuals.
a.     Flossing can begin as soon as your child as their first tooth. The earlier you start the habit, the more likely they are to continue the habit into adulthood.
4.     Flossing can damage your gums.
a.     Flossing helps to save your gums not damage them. You do need to be careful when flossing to make sure you are gently pulling the floss between the teeth. Do not dig the floss in the gum.
5.     You cannot floss because your teeth overlap.
a.     “While this can make it more difficult to floss,” says, Dr. Rice, “it is not an excuse to stop.” It is recommended that you utilize a waxed floss to help with this. 

For more myths about floss, contact Dr. Rice & her team today!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Don’t Make Sacrifices With Your Gum Health

Your gums are important to the overall health of your smile.Once you lose one tooth, or your gums begin to recede, it can be downhill from there,” says Dr. Denine Rice. While some family members may tell you about a great new flossing alternative, do your homework first. Oil pulling is one of those new procedures.

Oil pulling is the procedure of using coconut or sunflower seed oil to swish around your mouth. The thought behind it is that the oil attaches to the food between your teeth and removes it. Research does not support that oil pulling does a great job of removing food, in fact, some food can be left behind to mix with bacteria and cause decay, which can lead to periodontal disease.
Periodontist, Dr. Rice recommends completing the tried and true practice of flossing, as it is the only way to guarantee your dental health and keep your smile in tip-top shape. If you are struggling with your smile and looking to improve your gum health, adding a mouth rinse specific for gingivitis can be a bonus. 

For more information on how to help your smile, contact Dr. Rice and her team.