Thursday, July 31, 2014

Periodontal Disease and your overall health

Periodontal disease is bacteria that are in the mouth below the gum line.  It starts out as gingivitis, which is bleeding of the gums and continues to progress to severe necrotizing periodontal disease. Periodontal disease this severe causes tissue death in the periodontal ligament.  “Researchers have conducted multiple studies in order to determine the link between periodontal disease and other health concerns. However, the direct relationship is unknown,” says periodontist, Dr. Denine Rice. 
Doctors believe that as the inflammation in the mouth turns from gingivitis to periodontal disease it increases the amount of chronic inflammation.  Chronic inflammation in the mouth then causes inflammation in the heart and other arteries, which can cause heart disease.  While other studies suggest that the bacteria in the mouth from gingivitis gets into the bloodstream and can impact the heart.
Individuals who have diabetes are susceptible to increased problems. They have a higher risk of the disease impacting them at a faster rate.  They also are more susceptible to an increase in tooth loss.  “As the disease worsens you may suffer from low energy,” says Dr. Denine Rice, “because it impacts your immune system.”
            No matter the cause the important fact is that the periodontal disease is linked to other health concerns and it is important at the first signs of bleeding you schedule a visit with your dentist to have an oral health evaluation.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Periodontal disease and dementia

The health of your gums can be seen each time you stare at yourself in the mirror. “Swollen and bleeding gums indicate you are at the later stages of periodontal disease,” says periodontist Dr. Denine Rice of Rice Implant and Periodontal Surgery.  While you may think it is no big deal it in-fact is. Not only are your personal relationships impacted by your smile but your overall health can begin to decline as your disease continues to progress.
            Recent research studies conducted have found a relationship between periodontal disease and dementia. Participates in the study who had dementia had a gum bacteria in their brain, while participates that didn’t have periodontal disease did not. In the very least this research suggests that there is a link between the two.   Currently, dementia, “affects five million individuals sixty-five and older,” (Journal of Alzheimer's Disease).
            Dementia is not a specific disease it is a general term that describes a set of symptoms. The most common type is Alzheimer’s disease.  Symptoms of Alzheimer’s are a loss of memory, struggles with communication and inability to stay focused on tasks. As the disease progresses the symptoms of confusion and memory loss become even worse.
            If you are impacted by periodontal disease Dr. Denine Rice, one of Inland Empire’s top dentists suggests, “Schedule an appointment with a periodontist right away.” LANAP Laser Treatment is available to patients and the results are amazing.  The laser goes below the gum line and removes the tarter using an ultrasonic scaler.
            While laser periodontal surgery drastically reduces the symptoms of periodontal disease it can also help increase your overall health. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Missing teeth and the consequences

Missing teeth
Teeth and health connection

“While you may think that losing a tooth to periodontal disease is cheaper than periodontal laser surgery, there is a health component to missing teeth that many patients do not consider,” says one of Inland Empire’s top periodontists, Dr. Denine Rice.  Teeth are used to stimulate the jawbone. In order for bone to maintain its density it requires stimulation, which is provided when you eat. The jawbone acts similar to a muscle. Muscles need exercise just like the arm or leg muscle.
         The stresses of bone being stimulated throughout the day allow the bone to regenerate.  However, when teeth are missing the jawbone no longer gets the stimulation necessary.  The bone width will continue to decrease over time. As the width decreases the lower third of the face will begin to drop.
         Individuals as their jaw and chin begin to drop will appear older in appearance. The older you look the older you may begin to feel. Your self-confidence may begin to be negatively impacted by this change in your appearance. With an increase in bone loss the lips may appear to sag and you may look like you are never smiling.
         Dr. Rice informs patients, that as time goes on, your teeth may begin to shift into positions where other teeth are missing. As they shift you might develop TMJ or jaw bone pain.”  Developing jaw pain can cause problems for you when eating certain hard fruits and vegetables. While you struggle to eat a balanced diet your over health can continue to decrease, causing you to lose more teeth.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Gum Damage

Teeth and your health connection

One of the benefits of a soft toothbrush is that it does not damage the gums. “A rigorous brushing routine,” says Dr. Denine Rice, “damages the gums.” Gum’s that are brushed too hard become sensitive and can begin to recede.  Gum recession is the process of your gums pulling back from the teeth. As more of your tooth becomes exposed, you run the risk of losing your teeth because the gums are like a pocket that securely keeps your teeth in place.
         When you are brushing your teeth you should gently brush the teeth in a circular motion. Each quadrant should take about thirty to forty seconds. It is not recommended that you brush your gums, because you can cause damage to them.  While you are flossing, Dr. Rice suggests, “Gently glide the floss between the teeth. You do not want to push or force floss between your teeth because this can cut the gums.”  Food begins to build up between the teeth at every meal and will stay there until you floss. The longer that food builds up on the gums the more time that bacteria has to attack the gums and the enamel of the teeth.
         You only have one set of gums and the damage you do to them is most of the time irreversible. Damaged gums become susceptible to bacteria while pocket depths increase between the gums and the teeth.  Brushing and flossing twice a day can help remove plague from the teeth.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Oil pulling and your oral health

Oil pulling is an ancient Native American tradition where you take oil and swish it around your mouth like mouthwash. The oil is rumored to attach to plaque that sticks and removes it from the surface of your teeth.  There are a variety of oils that are suggested for use.
It is suggested you complete this process for roughly twenty minutes at the beginning of your day in order to get the true benefits. However, Dr. Denine Rice says, “This procedure is not backed up by research.” Although, studies have been done in order to determine whether this procedure improves oral health, there has been no conclusive evidence to suggest it removes more plague then a regular brushing and flossing routine.  Dentists have not found results that show individuals have less plaque then people who brush and floss and visit the dentist on a regular basis. 
            Plaque builds up on and in between the teeth, especially if you do not brush and floss twice a day. The longer plaque stays on the teeth the more increased amount of bacteria that will be found in the mouth.  As bacteria build up on the gum line, gums become infected and will begin to swell and bleed. Plaque is sticky and allows acid to continually build up on the teeth. Acid attacks tooth enamel.  This causes varying degrees of gum disease, which has been linked to heart disease, dementia and diabetes.  
           Dr. Rice, the periodontist at Rice Periodontics and Implant Surgery, suggests, “A regular brushing and flossing routine, with regular dental cleanings can help increase your overall oral health."

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 8:56 PM, Austine Etcheverry <> wrote:

Oil pulling is an ancient Native American tradition where you take oil and swish it around your mouth like mouthwash. The oil is rumored to attach to plaque that sticks to the teeth and remove it from the surface of your teeth.  There are a variety of oils that is suggested for use.
Upon reading other blogs it is suggested that you complete this process for roughly twenty minutes at the beginning of your day in order to get the true benefits. However, Dr. Denine Rice, suggests, “that this procedure is not backed up by research.” Although, studies have been done in order to determine whether this procedure improves oral health, there has been no conclusive evidence to suggest that this removes more plague then regular brushing and flossing routine.  Dentists have not found results that show individuals have less plaque then people who brush and floss and visit the dentist on a regular basis. 
            Plaque builds up on and in between the teeth, especially if you do not brush and floss twice a day. The longer plaque stays on the teeth it increases the amount of bacteria in the mouth.  As bacteria build up on the gum line, your gums become infected and will begin to swell and bleed. Plaque is sticky and allows acid to continually build up on the teeth. Acid attacks your tooth enamel.  This causes varying degrees of gum disease, which has been linked to heart disease, dementia and diabetes.  
           Dr. Rice, periodontist at Rice Periodontics and ImplantSurgery, suggests, “that a regular brushing and flossing routine, regular dental cleanings can help increase your overall oral health.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The impact of missing teeth

Your smile is important to you and to your Riverside periodontist, Dr. Denine Rice. When you have severe periodontal disease the gums begin to recede and the pockets become infected with bacteria. Unfortunately, many times people will receive treatment only after having lost a tooth or two.

                Losing teeth can impact your self-confidence. We are judged in society by our smile. When you enter a crowded room and people are around you they tend to evaluate how friendly you are based on whether you smile at them. If you don’t smile, individuals may begin to think you are rude. As people around you make this judgment, your inclination may be to withdraw from friends and family.

                Missing teeth can also impact interviews and jobs you are hired for. We have only seven seconds to make an impression with an individual and your smile is a part of your first impression. When you enter the interview the employer is automatically making assumptions about who you are. Dr. Denine Rice suggests that "Missing teeth impact how people see you, their level of trust for you and how much authority you have in a situation.” If you are working on a project as the team leader you will need individuals to believe in your vision and feel comfortable carrying out the responsibilities. Unfortunately, people believe that if you are unable to take care of your teeth you are also unable to handle the responsibilities of a big project that involves multi-layers.

                It is suggested by Dr. Rice, the periodontist at Rice Periodontics and ImplantSurgery, “Take care of signs of gingivitis right away so you don’t find yourself in a situation where your periodontal disease has developed to a place where you have missing teeth. If your gums are bleeding, swollen or you have loose teeth, make an appointment today."


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Should I have my teeth extracted instead of Laser surgery?

“Three out of four Americans,” according to the American Periodontal Association, “have some form of gum disease.” However, “sixty four point seven million Americans have periodontal disease that is extreme.” The gums hold the teeth in place. As bacteria attacks the gum line a deep pocket begins to develop. When you go to your dentist they conduct an exam that probes for pocket depths, the space between the gums and the teeth. A one-two or three is considered in the healthier range. But it is important that you do not have gums that bleed, as this is an initial sign of periodontal disease.
The teeth fit into the pocket of the gums like a blanket. The hold should be secure and your adult teeth should not move at all. When bacteria attack the gums however, the teeth begin to pull away from the gums. This situation is not hopeless. New Laser LANAP surgery is helping people to save their smiles. The longer you wait the more bacteria will attack the mouth and continue to increase pocket depths which causes more damage to the mouth and body.
            Once you have lost a tooth you obviously get the tooth back. Although, the upfront cost of LANAP surgery may seem more expensive than having a tooth pulled, but in the long run it may end up being more expensive.  Teeth protect the gums when chewing. If there is not a tooth there, then the gum will continue to be worn down and obtain more extreme damage. This damage could lead to more severe problems as bacteria build up in the gums; it also begins to attack other organs.
Your smile may be affected by the loss of a tooth. While your periodontal disease may have advanced to a place where saving the tooth might not be possible to save, LANAP surgery helps this process. By conducting this type of therapy peridontist Dr. Denine Rice at Rice Periodontics and Implant Surgery, and her team have seen positive results where the gums have reattached to the teeth.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

When are my gums considered healthy?

           When you schedule your appointment with the periodontist you may hear terms such as gum disease and gum recession. These words may seem scary. Your dentist has probed and you have pocket depths of four or greater. You have bleeding gums, pain, and it’s been suggested you have laser surgery. However, there is no reason to panic. Dr. Denine Rice, periodontist at Rice Periodontics and Implant Surgery, “says that her patients have seen fantastic results after the surgery is completed.”
            Once the surgery is over patients can expect to see a reduction in bleeding of the gums. Healthy habits are critical to maintain the success from your laser surgery. You will need to brush and floss twice a day.  Dr. Rice suggests, “that you use a soft toothbrush in order to not do more damage to the gums. She suggests, “for you to brush gently.”
            Although, the bacteria will continue to live in your mouth, laser surgery results have been amazing.  LANAP surgery doesn’t get rid of the disease and bacteria in your mouth but, some patients have seen some healthy reattachment of the gums to the teeth. Healthy gums should hold your teeth in place the way that great clothing fits. When you have periodontal disease you will have more pain, swelling and bleeding. However, as the pocket increases it pulls the tooth away from the gum and no longer holds the tooth in place.
            Depending on your individual results you may need to continue to see Dr. Rice and her team every three months for a while in order to maintain the results you have.  LANAP laser surgery is designed to regenerate gum tissue rather than removing the diseased tissue.  However, with healthy pockets, little bleeding and pocket depths shrinking eventually you will be able to return to your regular dentist for your dental visits there.

Call Dr. Rice and her team today for an appointment. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

If LANAP is so great, why isn’t everyone using it?

“While the results of LANAP’s success continues to improve patient oral care significantly,” says, Dr. Denine Rice of Riverside Periodontics and Implant Surgery, there are still periodontists that hold onto the old way of doing dentistry. Also some  patients may be hesitant to try new procedures.  The cost of LANAP, while it may seem high at first, requires usually one surgery session.  While traditional periodontal surgery may require multiple visits.

Not everyone is qualified to provide LANAP surgery. Like any new dental technique individuals and dentists need to be trained on how to correctly use the lasers. Not all periodontists are willing to pay for the training that is required for staff and themselves to become experts in this area.
Equipment for the surgery is an investment. The LANAP system uses a tiny fiber that is about three hairs thick. This fiber is inserted between the gum and the tooth in order to clean out the infection. This has to be replaced with each patient as it is inserted below the gum line. While other periodontists in the field already have the required instruments for traditional surgery and those. Tools used in the traditional procedure are able to go in the autoclave to be cleaned.

Years of success have contributed to periodontists suggesting there is no reason to change. While periodontists have been using traditional methods for years, Dr. Rice and her team feel in order for patient’s needs to come first, new technology that enters the scene must be evaluated and when change is an improvement, change must occur. The FDA has approved the LANAP Laser Protocol and while Dr. Rice agrees the traditional method of surgery was the best system available, she believes that LANAP laser surgery offers higher success rates, less pain and shorter recovery time. Dr. DenineRice feels patient’s needs should always come first and the method with the higher success rate is the one Rice Periodontics and Implant surgery will be offering.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Dental Surgery vs. LANAP

Periodontal surgery is a process where gum tissue is detached from the teeth in order to clean out the bad bacteria all the way to the root. “Pain and recovery time is generally a part of this process,” says periodontist Dr.Rice. This process usually requires multiple visits that can be up to two hours each time as each quadrant of the mouth is done separately. This procedure also requires anesthetic in order to numb the area. Root scaling may be the first step, however if the periodontal disease is more severe you may need further appointments with surgery.

Once the gum tissue is separated from the tooth, the periodontist will use an ultrasonic tool or other scraping tool in order to go below the gum line and remove bad bacteria. Then the gum is reattached using sutures. Once your surgery is done, you will be sent on your way usually with instruction to rinse until your next appointment for the next quadrant. Once all four quadrants have been cleaned out you will be set up with regular visits until your gums are considered healthy again.

“There are pros and cons to every procedure,” suggests Dr. Rice, periodontist at Rice Periodontics and Implant Surgery, “With traditional periodontal surgery there is a high rate of success and there may be a lower cost initially than LANAP. However the LANAP protocol has a high success rate as well and several other benefits, such as reduced healing time.”.
While a patient diagnosed with periodontal disease will always have periodontal disease, patients who have undergone LANAP surgery tend to have a higher rate of success and some patients have even been fortunate enough to have gum tissue reattach to the teeth,  which reduces the amount of bacteria that will enter the pockets in the future.