Thursday, October 29, 2015

Hypertension & The Link To Poor Oral Hygiene

A research study out of Korea,, has recently found a link between poor oral hygiene and high blood pressure. The study focused on people who reportedly did not brush or floss their teeth on a regular basis as well as their use of mouthwash.  Periodontal disease is linked to inflammation, which enters the blood stream. The article suggests that further research needs to be conducted in order determine a direct link, but for now they have found that individuals who have excellent oral hygiene habits and do not have periodontal disease are less likely to have high blood pressure than not.
To prevent periodontal disease brushing two times a day is critical to keep your gums healthy. Brushing help removes food from the teeth that will decrease the risk of dental decay and cavities. It also helps to decrease the buildup of plaque on the surface of the teeth.

Flossing one time a day is the single most important oral hygiene habit in order to remove food from between the teeth. There is not other single activity that can improve the strength of the gums and decrease the risk of periodontal disease. It also is the only way to remove food from being stuck between the teeth. The longer food is on the gums,” says Dr. DenineRice, “the more likely the risk of periodontal disease.”

While there may not be a current direct link of high blood pressure and periodontal disease, it is critical to keep your mouth and smile healthy by brushing & flossing. “Why take the risk of high blood pressure when you can prevent it,” says Dr. Rice.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

3 Ways To Use Your Dental Insurance

At the end of every year your dental insurance amount starts over. If you have dental money left and do not use it, the money will be gone. Don’t hold off any longer for that periodontal procedure you’ve been waiting for.

Gum contouring can help to rebuild the health of your smile as well as improve the cosmetic look of your smile. Gum recession can make your teeth look bigger than they are and can increase your chances of decay and eventually tooth loss. Dr. Denine Rice recommends, “Utilize your insurance benefits to keep your smile healthy.”

Laser surgery for periodontal disease can improve the health of your smile. Long-term periodontal disease can impact your body as well as your smile. Once you lose one tooth, due to periodontal disease, you are more likely to lose more.

Crown lengthening is an in-depth procedure utilized to improve the length of the tooth. This procedure is designed to improve the overall shape and look of your smile. Sometimes, due to damage, periodontal disease or trauma, the length of the tooth can become uneven looking. Dr. Rice suggests this procedure for patients who are looking to restore the health and look of their smile.

Your insurance benefits are yours to use. Contact Dr. Rice & her team today for more information.

Friday, October 23, 2015

5 Tips To Flossing

Flossing is the key dental habit you need in order to prevent periodontal disease. There is no other alternative or option for removing food from between the teeth.  While you can brush the front and back of your teeth, bristles of a toothbrush do not effectively remove food.   Here are five tips from Dr. Rice on how to floss.

1.     Utilize floss you like. Don’t waste time and money on floss that is not comfortable for you to use or you do not like. Find one that works for you and try different kinds until you find one that motivates you to floss.
2.     Set a particular time everyday when you are going to floss. Setting up the routine is the key to creating a habit.
3.     Dr.Denine Rice, suggests, “Listen to music or sports while flossing.”  Pairing flossing with something you do like can shift your brain to think positively about an experience you don’t necessarily enjoy.
4.     Put the floss in multiple locations in your house. If you have floss in a bathroom downstairs, put it upstairs as well. Or place floss in the kitchen drawer if helps to remind you to brush.
5.     Floss everyday. The more consistently you floss the less likely you are to have problems from not flossing. Non-flossing can cause bleeding gums, swollen or puffy gums. Once you have those early signs of disease, flossing can cause pain or uncomfortable feelings. This can decrease your desire to floss resulting in more damage and potential tooth loss.

Contact Dr. Rice and her team today for more information.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

It's That Time Of Year!

It's that time of year again, when you can either enjoy the insurance benefits you have already paid for or watch those same benefits disappear. Time is ticking on, and the holidays are around the corner.  Spend your dental insurance dollars before the clock runs out, as once the New Year is here, the benefits you have acquired to use for the year will most likely be gone.

You may wonder why would go to the periodontist. You may even tell yourself it is not time for your yearly periodontal check, or that your teeth look fine. But Dr. Rice suggests, “You can also utilize your dental benefits for procedures that can improve the health of your smile.” Remember, most dental benefits do not roll over to be applied to the next year.

If you have periodontal disease, but have been putting off laser surgery, now is the time to take advantage of your insurance so you can regain your self-confidence and your smile.   Laser surgery can remove plaque from below the gum line in order to decrease the impact of periodontal disease and lesson the likelihood of loosing a tooth. And it does all that without cutting the tissue, which means healing begins immediately.

For more information on how you can utilize your dental insurance to your advantage contact Dr. DenineRice and her team today.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Periodontal Laser Surgery After Care

Periodontal laser surgery can reduce the impact of periodontal disease by removing the bacteria from below the gum line without having to cut or suture the gums. Laser surgery allows for faster recovery, and following these four tips will help your gums heal.

1.     Stay on a liquid diet for at least two days and a soft diet for seven to ten days after that. There are blood clots that are formed at the treatment spots. These clots help healing. "Eating hard food can potentially dislodge the clots causing your healing to become derailed,” says Dr. Rice.

2.     Don’t brush and floss until directed to do so. You’ll want to rinse with water, or perioguard, if approved by your periodontist, in order to remove soft foods from the teeth. 

3.     Avoid smoking. If you smoke, you’ll want to quit during the healing process. If you need help on quitting smoking, Dr. DenineRice and her team can suggest smoking cessation products. 

4.     Avoid using a straw. The sucking motion that is used when drinking out of a straw can dislodge the clots at the healing site. Avoid drinking through a straw to cause any problems during the healing process. 

Periodontal laser surgery can help to get your smile back on track. Follow these simple tips to achieve greater dental health.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Use It Or Lose It

The holidays are almost here and that is an exciting time. Fall leaves, cooler weather, 
hot chocolate and holiday eating. But it also marks the closing of a timeline.  Your insurance benefits run out at the end of the year. For many insurance plans, any money you haven’t used for the year will go away with the beginning of the New Year. Here are three ways you can use your dental benefits to your advantage.  

1.     Improve your smile through bone or tissue grafting surgery. If you have gum recession due to periodontal disease, gingivitis or trauma you may wish to look into repairing your smile. Or if you are missing a tooth, now might be the time to look into preparing your jaw for implant placement.

2.     Get periodontal laser surgery. If you have periodontal disease and you have been putting off treatment, the bacteria in your mouth means your situation is only getting worse. This can lead to other problems down the line including loss of teeth,  gum recession, and many times health issues. Laser surgery can help not only improve the health of your smile, but the overall look of your smile as well.

3.     Crown lengthening. This procedure can help to reposition the gums in order to improve the length of the teeth. Dr. Rice states, “Immediately after the surgery the teeth will look longer.”

Your dental insurance is yours to use, now is your opportunity to use it to your advantage. Call Dr. Denine Rice & her team for more information today.

Friday, October 9, 2015

3 Ways Vitamin C May Support Your Gum Health

Vitamin C is not only a great vitamin for the overall health of your body, but research suggests that it may also help reduce the impact of gingivitis and periodontal disease when paired with healthy dental habits," says Periodontist Dr. Denine Rice.  

Research shows that Vitamin C begins to battle the bacteria that form in the mouth. While everyone has bacteria already in their mouth, the amount depends on other factors. As the amount of bacteria in the mouth begins to increase, plaque forms. Plaque is a sticky film that adheres to the surface of the teeth.

As plaque sticks to the surface of your teeth, it aids in the breakdown of your tooth enamel. As this surface becomes weaker, cavities form. Once you have a cavity, the only way to treat the problem is to have the decay removed from the teeth and the teeth filled. If this problem is left untreated, it can move into the root of the tooth, causing dental pain, inflammation and eventually you may need to have the tooth removed.

Not only does Vitamin C help keep the bacteria count under control, it also aids in production of healthy gum tissue. Overtime gum tissue breaks down, especially if proper flossing is not done. Taking a vitamin C supplement can help to rebuild this gum tissue.

“While taking vitamin supplements does not replace healthy dental habits,” says Dr. Rice, “it can provide extra support to keep your smile in tip-top shape.”  

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Don’t Cut Corners With Your Dental Health

It is easy to fall into the pattern of only brushing in the morning, or only flossing one or two days a week. You may talk yourself into these detrimental habits thinking your teeth and gums are strong, they can handle this mediocre dental plan. Unfortunately, negative effects will begin to break down the integrity of your smile after time.

Brushing removes food from the surface of the teeth. As you eat sugar mixes with bacteria to create a sticky film on the teeth. “This film is called plaque and this process begins immediately after you eat,” says Periodontist Dr. Denine Rice.  Once the plaque sticks to the teeth, if not removed, it can attack the enamel increasing your chance of decay and other painful dental problems. Once you have a cavity or you have decay you are more susceptible to other problems with your teeth.

Floss one time a day, either in the morning or at bedtime. If you eat a food that is stuck between your teeth you will also want to floss as soon as possible. There is no other single task that can remove food particles from between the teeth. Food that is left breaks down into plaque and begins to move below the gum line. As this process begins, your gums may become red, swollen and bleed. This is not normal and individuals who floss and brush regularly do not usually have to endure any of these damaging events to their smile.

Drink plenty of water. Enjoy the natural flavor of lemon or cucumber in order to give you fresh tasting water. Or throw some mint leaves in there for a great afternoon pick me up. Water removes food from the surface of the teeth, but it also decreases dry mouth. “A dry mouth becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and more opportunity for decay,” says, Dr. Rice.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Foods That Are Awesome For Your Gums

The foods we eat can impact our smile. Foods that have higher water count help to rinse food from your gums and teeth between brushing.  Healthy dental habits can keep your gums in working order, but you can further help your smile by eating foods that help keep your smile healthy.   

Green peppers are a great way to keep your gums in healthy order. They require chewing in order to break down the food to swallow. This chewing helps stimulate bone growth and saliva. “The more saliva you have in your mouth the more it can help remove food from the surface of your gums," says Dr.Denine Rice. 

Raw Onion is reported to be an excellent source of health for your gums. Not only is it packed with healthy benefits, it also helps kill extra bacteria in the mouth.

Raisins, while sticky, are actually packed with antioxidants and can help reduce inflammation and the impact of periodontal disease. In order to continue to protect your gums however, when consuming raisins dont forget to brush your teeth.

Green tea is considered among some one of the best ways to reduce inflammation and keep your gums healthy. “Not only does it increase the amount of saliva in your mouth, it also has properties in it that prevent swelling,” says Dr. Rice.

While consuming other foods may help decrease your chance of periodontal disease it is important to get treatment if you find you are impacted by swelling, bleeding or preliminary signs of periodontal disease. 

                                 For more information call Dr. Rice & her team today.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

What Are Your Gums Trying To Tell You?

Our gums have a difficult job that oftentimes goes unappreciated. You may take advantage of them and assume they will always be there to protect your teeth. The food you consume can increase decay and inflammation which can cause gum recession when not taken care of.  Here are four problems you may encounter with your gums and what it means for you.

1.     Your gums are not supposed to bleed. If your gums are bleeding it is an early sign of periodontal disease. This first stage is called gingivitis and can be easily treated with regular brushing and flossing and a visit to your hygienist.
2.     If your gums are receding you may have a more aggressive form of an oral problem called periodontal disease.  According to Dr.Rice, This requires more aggressive treatment by a periodontist.
3.     Bad breath can be caused by multiple sources. It could be the food you consume, or it can be a lack of brushing and flossing. Bad breath can be stopped with regular brushing and flossing. You may also need to adjust what food you are consuming if you notice the problem is not getting better. Finally bad breath that can not be controlled may signal periodontal disease.
4.     Are your gums swollen? Swollen gums are a preliminary sign that you have periodontal disease. Your gums cannot and should not be ignored. Dr. Denine Rice recommends, "Visit the periodontist in order to get your gum health back in order prior to any major treatment."