Monday, January 20, 2014

Gum recession – What Can Be Done?

Gum recession occurs when the tissue surrounding the teeth wears away, or pulls back exposing more of the tooth. This can happen due to hormonal changes, poor brushing techniques, hereditary issues or periodontal disease that has been left untreated.

For many, the process results in teeth that have the appearance of being way too long and an increase in sensitivity. “But your dentist can treat gum recession,” says Dr. Denine Rice, the Periodontist at Rice Periodontics and Implant Surgery in Riverside, California.
For mild gum recession your Periodontal Specialist or dentist may be able to treat the area through non-surgical methods. Rootplaning and scaling is many times the first step in treating this issue. During the process of root planing and scaling, plaque and tartar are removed from below the gumline of the teeth all the way to the roots. This is done under a general anesthetic and can many times result in a favorable outcome.

For those whose recession is more advanced and has led to bone loss, the pockets of tissue surrounding the teeth will be too deep and surgery may be required to repair the area. “When this is the situation, we still have options to help,” adds Dr. Rice. “We can reduce the pocket depth surgically by pulling back the tissue surround the teeth and remove the harmful bacteria or we can use a laser to enter the area and get rid of the bacteria that way.”

When the bone supporting the teeth has been destroyed, a regenerative procedure may be recommended. “We can add back bone and graft tissue,” Dr. Rice says. “Whatever you do, don’t let recession continue to go untreated!”

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