Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Why Did My Dentist Recommend Tissue Grafting?

Tissue grafting is the process where gum tissue is removed from an area of the mouth and placed in a position in need of additional help. “Generally your dentist will recommend tissue grafting when either the gum tissue around a tooth has been lost due to recession or if the area could be cosmetically enhanced.,” says Dr. Denine Rice from her Riverside Implant and Periodontal Practice.

Gum recession often happens over time and so slowly you may not have noticed, but your dentist will. And if the recession reaches a certain point, you may begin to have sensitivity as the root of the tooth may become exposed or even find that your recession could lead to tooth loss.

The answer is to place new tissue, either removed from the roof of your mouth or the area adjacent to the tooth needing to be repaired. This allows your periodontist to repair the area and at the same time improve the appearance of your smile. 

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