Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Types of Bone Graft Surgery

There are different types of bone grafts that may be recommended if you having missing teeth and are going to have implants. A bone graft allows for bone to be added to the jawbone to produce a more stable structure for the implant to be attached to. An autogenous bone graft is where bone is removed from another part of the body and is harvested. Once the bone is harvested it is then placed in the correct location. The other two types of bone grafts that may be recommended are allograft and xenograft.
            Bone grafts that are taken from a bank are screened for diseases. When using bone from one of these banks they are incredibly careful and adhere to the same guidelines as tissue banks.

            Periodontist, Dr. Denine Rice says, “An allograft bone graft is when bone is either created in a laboratory and is considered man-made or synthetic when it is taken from a bone bank and placed in the mouth.  These two procedures have been done for over thirty years according to the, Oral Health Infectious Control center and are very safe when done with a trained periodontist.   Once the bone is ready to go, the procedure is relatively quick. A small area is cut where the bone needs to be placed, the bone is placed in the correct location and a barrier may be placed to protect the bone from the inside of the mouth while it is healing.

            After the procedure is completed Dr. Rice and her team will provide you with after-care instructions. While there is a short healing period, once you are healed, the implant will be able to be placed with a secure fit.

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