Saturday, April 11, 2015

6 Ways To Improve Gum Health

Your gum health is critical to the health of your mouth and your body. Both can spiral out of control if you do not get help with your periodontal disease. Don’t wait to improve the health of your smile. 
  1. Brush and floss daily. Brushing helps remove the plaque that sticks to your teeth after you have consumed something. The longer bacteria stays on your teeth, the more opportunity there is for the damage to occur. Flossing helps remove any food between the teeth.
  2. Visit your dentist regularly and your periodontist if you have periodontal disease. Regular dental cleanings help remove the plaque that sticks to the teeth that routine brushing and flossing are not able to get. Your dentist can also take routine x-rays in order to identify any problems that may be brewing.
  3. Fix broken or missing teeth as soon as possible. The jawbone is stimulated by the grinding motion made when eating foods. If you have teeth that are missing, the bone is not regenerated and eventually your jawbone can begin to weaken. This can cause more problems for your smile.
  4. Eat healthy foods that improve the look of your smile. The more water a food has in it, the better for your smile.
  5. Drink water. Without water to rinse,  bacteria can grow. Bacteria impact the gums and then can cause them to recede.
  6. Use mouthwash. Mouthwash can improve not only your breath, but also it can help to rinse away any bacteria that you have on your teeth. And some mouthwash contains products specifically to help with gingivitis, if this is something impacting you. 

Get going today and improve your gum health.

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