Friday, May 8, 2015

5 Pieces Of Advice Your Gums Would Give You

If your gums could talk they may be saying all kinds of things to you. They may begin to sound like a broken record of nagging and advice.
Here are five pieces of advice we are sure your gums would give you.

1.     Brush regularly.
                  Food easily sticks to the surface of your teeth and gums allowing bacteria to cause trouble for the health of your gums.

2.     Floss on a regular basis.
                  Your gums should be a nice pink color without puffiness or swelling. Periodontist Dr. Denine Rice states, Your gums should be firm to the touch and cover the tooth about a quarter of the way up. Without flossing bacteria can lie below the surface of your gums causing bleeding, gingivitis and periodontal disease. If left untreated for long periods of time, your gums may eventually lose their ability to do their job effectively and bone may be lost.

3.     Visit the dentist regularly.
                  The dentist can find any problems you may have brewing before they become a problem for your mouth, says Dr. Rice

4.     Eat Healthy Foods.
                  Fruits and vegetables help wash any food away from the gums. While chips, and other foods high in starch, can cause food to stay stuck to your teeth and gums which then turns into sugar.

5.     Dont let problems go.
                  If you notice bleeding, lesions or other problems in your mouth or with your gums dont wait until the pain becomes unbearable. Visit the dentist and solve the problem before things get worse and cost more.

Healthy gums leads to a smile that lasts a lifetime. For further questions contact Dr. Rice & her team.

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