Friday, July 24, 2015

Don’t Lie-Just Floss

Thousands of adults each day climb into their dentist's chair and reportedly lie to them about flossing. While the lie is intended to prevent them from getting caught by dentists and periodontists for not taking care of their smile, this lie can be causing serious damage. So, Dr. Denine Rice suggests, “Instead of feeling a need to lie, incorporate healthy flossing habits and save your smile.”

Flossing can be painful and difficult at first, especially if you have gingivitis or the start of periodontal disease. Your gums may be very sensitive or bleed when you floss. Over time, if the gingivitis is not severe, you should be able to toughen up the gums and decrease their sensitivity.

The alternative option to flossing is losing your teeth. Flossing is the single act that can save your smile for a lifetime. There is no other way to remove food from in between the teeth. Once you have eaten, food that stays between the teeth converts to sugar, which can increase bacteria levels and cause decay. Periodontist Dr. Rice says, "the bacteria can go below the gum line, eat away at healthy bone, which then causes your gums to recede."

Flossing can be done when you wake up, in between meals and when you go to bed at night. Or you can floss one time a day, just pick a routine and stick to it. When you are first beginning to floss again, youll want to pick floss that you like and is comfortable and then establish your healthy routine.

Next time you are at the store, dont forget the floss! Your gums will thank you.

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