Wednesday, August 12, 2015

3 Ways To Stop The Excuses & Floss

Periodontists hear all kinds of reasons why individuals do not floss. While cosmetic surgery can fix some of the problems you may have encountered from periodontal disease, you’ll still want to floss in order to protect your new smile. Here are some tips that can help.

1.     Find floss you like. You can enjoy a water pic, electric flosser, and waxed or unwaxed floss. The type of floss you use does not matter to your gums, it is just important that you are engaging in a routine flossing protocol on a daily basis. If your teeth are tight and you tend to break floss while flossing, try to use waxed floss. This can help slide it between the teeth better.

2.     Dr. Rice also recommends you floss every day at the same time. This helps to produce a routine. It takes twenty-one days to establish a habit. The more routine you can make it, the easier it is to have it become a part of your regular day.

3.     Floss even though your gums bleed. It can take awhile before you are able to heal your gums. Continue flossing for seven to ten days. "If they are still bleeding after that you may need to go to the periodontist or your regular dentist in order for them to clean up any bacteria below the gum line," suggests Dr. Denine Rice.

Flossing is as critical as brushing and visiting the dentist. Without regular flossing you can cause permanent tooth loss.

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