Saturday, November 28, 2015

3 Ways Water Improves Gum Health

Your doctor, the radio, and your trainer all may be encouraging you to consume more water and now your periodontist is continuing to report this important message of consuming 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Dr. Rice says, “Consuming this amount of water each day not only improves the overall health of your body but it can help improve your gum health as well.”

Food that stays stuck to the teeth and gums increases the likelihood of gum disease especially if you have a high carb diet. Drinking water helps wash food away from the teeth and gums and reduces the opportunity of bacteria to cause problems for your gums.

Water helps decrease sugar cravings. Most individuals believe they are hungry and reach for the sugary foods to snack on in between meals instead of realizing they are probably dehydrated. Drinking water helps you to feel full longer and reduces snacking.

“Water consumption can decrease the amount of bacteria in the mouth,” states Dr. Denine Rice. A dry mouth increases the opportunity of bacteria, the more bacteria the higher opportunity for the bacteria to hide behind tarter and plague. Consuming water ensures that you have plenty of saliva to remove food from the teeth and keep the amount of tarter and plaque low.

For more information on how to improve your smile, contact Dr. Rice & her team today.

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