Wednesday, December 9, 2015

3 Reasons To Get A Periodontal Cosmetic Procedure

The health and length of your gums can be impacted by a variety of things. How well you brush and floss, the amount of dental decay you are impacted by, or an accident where you have had damage to your mouth. This procedure, while it may sound scary, is completed often and can allow for an individual to have a cosmetically, beautiful smile.  Here are three common reasons why you may want to consider gum graft surgery:

1.     Periodontal disease can impact the length of your gums and cause your teeth to become loose as the disease becomes worse. Once you have healthier gums, gum graft surgery can provide a more even look when you smile.
2.     Reduce tooth sensitivity. Root exposure can cause increased sensitivity when eating hot and cold items or when air touches the root. Gum graft surgery can cover up the roots by utilizing tissue from the roof of your mouth to allow you to enjoy eating without worrying about pain.
3.     Can reduce further bone loss and recession of gums. Once healthy tissue is in place and is healing, it can help to decrease gum loss.

For more information on how gum graft surgery works contact Dr. Rice & her team today.

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