Sunday, August 7, 2016

Periodontal Disease Is The Silent Gum Killer

Do you have healthy gums? Or do your gums bleed when you floss? The unfortunate part about gum disease is that people often do not know when they have periodontal disease until the disease has set in and your gums are swollen and bleeding. At this stage it may require more expensive treatment, you may lose a tooth, or it may take several treatments in order to get your smile back on track.

While you may have plaque underneath your gum tissue that is causing inflammation and other problems, you may not know it until it is too late. Dr. Denine Rice recommends these 5 steps to keep your gums healthy and to stop periodontal disease in its tracks.

  1. Brush and floss everyday. This is a no brainer and there is no other activity that can remove food from between the teeth the same way. Yet, millions of Americans skip this important step everyday.

2. Eat healthy food. Food that is high in water concentration and low in carbohydrates helps remove food from between the teeth in between brushing and flossing. The longer that food stays on your teeth the more problems that can occur.

3. Visit your periodontist on a regular basis. If your gums are bleeding or swollen visit the periodontist in order to get a good read on what is going on with your gums. Don’t wait until your teeth are loose and your gums are sensitive. Visit your dentist every six months to keep your gums healthy.

4. Drink water and avoid soda. The sugar content in soda can add to the problems that cause periodontal disease. Drinking water can help remove food from the teeth, decreasing your risk of periodontal disease.

5. Use a Waterpik plus flossing. A Waterpik can help to remove any remaining food that is deep below the gum line that flossing is not able to reach. Once you have flossed, use your Waterpik and ensure your gums are getting the treatment they deserve.

Your gums can last a lifetime. You just have to spend time taking care of them. For more tips on how to keep your gums healthy, contact Dr. Rice and her team today.

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