Saturday, September 24, 2016

Fall Is Around The Corner

Fall is right around the corner and it is time for baking, sweet treats and family time. This can also be a time where you throw your gum health out the window. But Dr. Rice and her team encourage you to make a conscious effort to support your gum health through this holiday season and enjoy the beautiful photos that you will be rewarded with. Here are 4 tips and tricks to get you through the holiday season.

1.     Limit the sweet treats when you are not able to brush your teeth, or chew sugar free gum. The gum can help to remove the carbohydrates and the sugar from sticking to your teeth which can decrease your risk of decay.
2.     Brush and floss at a regular time. This can be tricky when schedules begin to get hectic, but doing something every day at the same time helps to build a habit you won’t easily forget.
3.     Drink water and decrease soda and other acidic drinks. The water helps to keep food from sticking to the surface of your teeth and ensures that the bacteria in your mouth stays at a reasonable level.
4.     Visit your periodontist. When schedules get hectic it can be a challenge to keep appointments but sticking to your periodontal appointment will decrease the chance of any problems occurring with your gum health.

For more information on how to keep your smile healthy contact Dr. Rice and her team today. 

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