Thursday, November 27, 2014

Flossing Is Your Secret Weapon

Flossing is your weapon against periodontal disease. We know you’re busy and have a hectic schedule, however skipping this important activity just once puts your gums and your body at risk. All it takes is two-three minutes a day to create a fantastic smile.  Dr. Denine Rice says, "no matter whether you are twenty and never flossed or sixty, you can change this habit today." 

Flossing is so important and critical to your smile because it reaches all of the food that gets between the teeth. Food that builds up between the teeth changes into bacteria that then turns into acid and attacks your enamel.  Bacteria weakened enamel creates an opportunity for chips and cracks in your teeth. It also impacts the overall health of your gums. The bacteria go below the gum line creating a pocket that leaves your teeth exposed to disease.

"When you first start flossing you may experience somesensitivity and bleeding," states periodontist Dr. Rice. However, after a few short days of effective regular flossing the bleeding should stop and your gums will be back to being healthy. If you continue to experience bleeding, contact your local periodontist to determine if other treatments are necessary to improve their overall health.

Many people do not realize, your mouth is the window to the health of your body and if your gums are unhealthy you open yourself up to problems throughout your entire body. Don’t let that happen. Starting today get into the habit of flossing.

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