Friday, June 19, 2015

Healthy White Smile

A polished, healthy smile can increase your chances of being hired for that job you've always wanted. O it can create an opportunity to meet your future husband. In fact, your smile has the power to change the world. Why not take care of it? Our teeth work hard all day long, breaking down food, and stimulating bone growth in our jaw. Reward them by brushing, flossing, and taking care of any problems early on. 
Dr. Denine Rice says, "Periodontal disease left untreated enters the bloodstream by going below the gum line." Eventually, as these bad bacteria build up, they can negatively impact the heart, liver and other internal organs. While you are living a busy lifestyle, you may not realize all the damage being done until you are ill. Worse yet, this problem can spread, making it costly to fix the damage that has been done. 
"Dental habits are preventative measures to help keep your smile lasting a lifetime. Your teeth start out strong, and can do the job they are intended for, when you brush twice a day, floss once a day and visit your dental regularly," suggests Dr. Rice. 
A white smile isn't just about cosmetics, it means your mouth is healthy and in the best working condition possible.  

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