Saturday, October 17, 2015

Periodontal Laser Surgery After Care

Periodontal laser surgery can reduce the impact of periodontal disease by removing the bacteria from below the gum line without having to cut or suture the gums. Laser surgery allows for faster recovery, and following these four tips will help your gums heal.

1.     Stay on a liquid diet for at least two days and a soft diet for seven to ten days after that. There are blood clots that are formed at the treatment spots. These clots help healing. "Eating hard food can potentially dislodge the clots causing your healing to become derailed,” says Dr. Rice.

2.     Don’t brush and floss until directed to do so. You’ll want to rinse with water, or perioguard, if approved by your periodontist, in order to remove soft foods from the teeth. 

3.     Avoid smoking. If you smoke, you’ll want to quit during the healing process. If you need help on quitting smoking, Dr. DenineRice and her team can suggest smoking cessation products. 

4.     Avoid using a straw. The sucking motion that is used when drinking out of a straw can dislodge the clots at the healing site. Avoid drinking through a straw to cause any problems during the healing process. 

Periodontal laser surgery can help to get your smile back on track. Follow these simple tips to achieve greater dental health.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this actually seems like an awesome solution to cure my gum disease! I really don't like the idea of going in for surgery and this seems like a painless and much safer option. I'll have to ask my dentist about this procedure to help me.
