Friday, May 13, 2016

3 Reasons Why You Should Brush Your Tongue

Your tongue holds bacteria from the foods you consume throughout the day. If you are not taking the time to brush your tongue, the bacteria can cause gingivitis that can eventually lead to periodontal disease. If you are not brushing your tongue while brushing and flossing, you may be doing your mouth a disservice. Here are 3 reasons why you should brush your tongue.
1.     There are crevices on your tongue where bacteria can get stuck unless you take the time to brush. Bacteria will sit in these areas causing build up. The more bacteria that is on your tongue the greater risk you are to having dental problems.

2.     The buildup that resides on your tongue is called, “biofilm.” As this biofilm builds up, if you are using mouthwash, it simply kills the outside but not the inside of the cell. You may think rinsing and brushing your teeth allow you to have fresh breath and a healthy smile, but the problem is the cells that reside beneath the biofilm, sits throughout the day and then more buildup occurs as you consume your favorite foods.

3.     Not brushing your tongue can cause bad breath. Employers say one of the first things they judge is a smile. If you are interviewing for that job of a lifetime the last thing you want is to be impacted by bad breath.

For more information on brushing your tongue and other ways to avoid buildup contact Dr. Rice and her team today.

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