Monday, May 2, 2016

5 Myths About Flossing

Waking up in the morning, flossing may or may not be a part of your routine. But Dr. Denine Rice says, “It’s the number one habit you have that can save your smile for a lifetime.” Here are 7 myths about flossing that you need to know.

1.     Bleeding gums is a bad sign & you should not floss.
a.     Your gums bleed because bacteria below the gum line is impacting their health. Flossing can ensure that your gums stay healthy.
2.     I don’t have food in my teeth, I shouldn’t floss.
a.     In fact, floss helps to remove plague built up between teeth, not just remove food from between the teeth.
3.     Flossing is only for older individuals.
a.     Flossing can begin as soon as your child as their first tooth. The earlier you start the habit, the more likely they are to continue the habit into adulthood.
4.     Flossing can damage your gums.
a.     Flossing helps to save your gums not damage them. You do need to be careful when flossing to make sure you are gently pulling the floss between the teeth. Do not dig the floss in the gum.
5.     You cannot floss because your teeth overlap.
a.     “While this can make it more difficult to floss,” says, Dr. Rice, “it is not an excuse to stop.” It is recommended that you utilize a waxed floss to help with this. 

For more myths about floss, contact Dr. Rice & her team today!

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