Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Get Your Smile Back

When you were younger you may have had strong enamel and a pearly white smile. Over time that may have changed and now you have swollen or bleeding gums, and missing or cracked teeth. You may hide your smile behind your lips and hope that no one notices. Unfortunately, research shows otherwise. People notice a smile before they notice other features and upon interviewing you, it can lead to the potential of losing a job. There is no reason to not have the smile you love with LANAP laser surgery, it can be the start of healthy gums. Once this is taken care of Dr. Rice and her team can evaluate the rest of your smile to determine what other cosmetic procedures may be done in order to give you back your smile.
Do not live with a smile that stares back at you and shows off the decisions you made in your twenties. Once you have the benefit of a LANAP laser procedure with Dr. Denine Rice and her team, you will see the health of your gums restored. Once a firm foundation is in place you may now have the ability to consider other treatment options such as implants or veneers.  

For more information on LANAP and other procedures to improve your smile, contact Dr. Rice and her team today.

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