Saturday, January 28, 2017

How Does The Pinhole Grafting Procedure Work?

You may have been one of the lucky ones who heard that Dr. Rice & her team are trained in the Pinhole Grafting Technique. Dr. DenineRice and her team can help you build up healthy gum tissue and change your smile. So, how does this procedure work?

Once Dr. Rice and her team have determined you are a candidate for this procedure. You will schedule an appointment. At your first visit, Dr. Rice will utilize a special tool that creates tiny pinholes in the gums around the tooth that has recession. Then Dr. Rice will move surrounding tissue into place. This will cover the root of the tooth. After this is completed the healing will begin.
Most patients say there is little discomfort or pain during the procedure. They are not put under and do not usually require even light sedation during surgery. This means you can get back to the things that are important in your life without waiting for your gum graft procedure to heal.  A very small amount of patients do experience swelling, infection or tenderness, but the risk of this is reduced because this procedure allows for the area to heal faster.

For more information on this procedure, contact Dr. Denine Rice & her team today!

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