Tuesday, July 8, 2014

When are my gums considered healthy?

           When you schedule your appointment with the periodontist you may hear terms such as gum disease and gum recession. These words may seem scary. Your dentist has probed and you have pocket depths of four or greater. You have bleeding gums, pain, and it’s been suggested you have laser surgery. However, there is no reason to panic. Dr. Denine Rice, periodontist at Rice Periodontics and Implant Surgery, “says that her patients have seen fantastic results after the surgery is completed.”
            Once the surgery is over patients can expect to see a reduction in bleeding of the gums. Healthy habits are critical to maintain the success from your laser surgery. You will need to brush and floss twice a day.  Dr. Rice suggests, “that you use a soft toothbrush in order to not do more damage to the gums. She suggests, “for you to brush gently.”
            Although, the bacteria will continue to live in your mouth, laser surgery results have been amazing.  LANAP surgery doesn’t get rid of the disease and bacteria in your mouth but, some patients have seen some healthy reattachment of the gums to the teeth. Healthy gums should hold your teeth in place the way that great clothing fits. When you have periodontal disease you will have more pain, swelling and bleeding. However, as the pocket increases it pulls the tooth away from the gum and no longer holds the tooth in place.
            Depending on your individual results you may need to continue to see Dr. Rice and her team every three months for a while in order to maintain the results you have.  LANAP laser surgery is designed to regenerate gum tissue rather than removing the diseased tissue.  However, with healthy pockets, little bleeding and pocket depths shrinking eventually you will be able to return to your regular dentist for your dental visits there.

Call Dr. Rice and her team today for an appointment. 


  1. You don't need to be a dentist or periodontist to know that what was said above is all not completely accurate. The gums are not responsible for "holding teeth in place", it is well known that the cause of tooth loss due to gum disease is bone loss caused by your own immune system attacking the bone in an attempt to kill the bacteria that enters when the gums recede. At least provide the proper information to clueless readers. Gum is flesh, tissue. Unable to hold BONE in place.

  2. LANAP does remove all infected tissue from the root of the teeth and under the gum line, and if you keep up with a perfect brushing, flossing and rinsing routine, and your dental cleanings every 3 months, you should not have any more problems with the disease. The gum disease causing bacteria always lives on though, so you have to think of keeping your mouth healthy as cleaning a house.. if you clean a house impeccable once but never clean it again, it gets dirty, and then you get an infestation of bugs.. same thing happens in your mouth. Once you heal it, you need to keep it impeccable or the disease can develop again.

  3. What better than the LANAP website to explain how it works and what it does? https://www.lanap.com/lanap/true-regeneration/
