Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Periodontal disease and dementia

The health of your gums can be seen each time you stare at yourself in the mirror. “Swollen and bleeding gums indicate you are at the later stages of periodontal disease,” says periodontist Dr. Denine Rice of Rice Implant and Periodontal Surgery.  While you may think it is no big deal it in-fact is. Not only are your personal relationships impacted by your smile but your overall health can begin to decline as your disease continues to progress.
            Recent research studies conducted have found a relationship between periodontal disease and dementia. Participates in the study who had dementia had a gum bacteria in their brain, while participates that didn’t have periodontal disease did not. In the very least this research suggests that there is a link between the two.   Currently, dementia, “affects five million individuals sixty-five and older,” (Journal of Alzheimer's Disease).
            Dementia is not a specific disease it is a general term that describes a set of symptoms. The most common type is Alzheimer’s disease.  Symptoms of Alzheimer’s are a loss of memory, struggles with communication and inability to stay focused on tasks. As the disease progresses the symptoms of confusion and memory loss become even worse.
            If you are impacted by periodontal disease Dr. Denine Rice, one of Inland Empire’s top dentists suggests, “Schedule an appointment with a periodontist right away.” LANAP Laser Treatment is available to patients and the results are amazing.  The laser goes below the gum line and removes the tarter using an ultrasonic scaler.
            While laser periodontal surgery drastically reduces the symptoms of periodontal disease it can also help increase your overall health. 

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