Thursday, February 19, 2015

4 Dangers of Not Brushing

Not brushing your teeth is unfortunately not an option if you want a clean healthy smile, because brushing is the only method for removing food from the surfaces of the teeth.

1.     Brushing reduces bacteria which can cause decay
         a.  Brushing your teeth for two minutes in slow circles allows the food to be removed from the surfaces of the teeth. Any food left on your teeth for too long turns to sugar, which eventually turns to acid that attacks your tooth enamel.  

2.     Brushing reduces bacteria which can cause periodontal disease
            a. When acid and decay build up on the teeth it allows for bacteria to enter the gums and begin to cause problems for your gums eventually leading to periodontal disease.
3.     Calculus and plaque left on teeth can cause sensitivity
         a. When calculus builds up on the teeth, eating the enamel, it can lead to sensitivity. The hard enamel coating on your teeth is what protects against sensitivity. If you have less enamel protecting your teeth you expose your mouth to the elements of hot and cold.

4.     Bad breath
         a.  Bad breath is not an attractive quality nor is it respectful for individuals who have to be in close proxemity of you. "Brushing with minty flavored toothpaste on a regular basis can help prevent this social faux pas from occurring," says Dr. Denine Rice.

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