Saturday, February 7, 2015

Recovery From Gum Graft Surgery

Gum graft surgery may be recommended if you have gum recession that is impacting the look of your smile or is causing you tooth sensitivity. There are three most often used procedures, one of which includes your own tissue to be removed in order to add it to the area around the tooth. "Some people do not have their own tissue removed, they have tissue from a tissue bank," Dr. Denine Rice. No matter which choice you make, you are sure to have your smile back shortly after your procedure.

Once the procedure is completed and you are sutured, you’ll be able to leave the office and, depending on the amount of pain and medication used during the procedure, go on with your day. However, if you were given a mild sedative to help you relax, you will need to have a friend drive you home. 

Once you get home, before you eat, drink or brush you will want to review the instructions given to you by your dentist. You may be restricted to only consume certain foods, especially the first few hours after the surgery. You will not be able to brush and floss the area until after the entire area is healed.

Risk of infection can be higher during the healing time because you are not able to brush and floss the particular area. However, there is a special mouthwash that you can rinse with in order to control the level of bacteria during this time.

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