Thursday, February 5, 2015

What To Expect During Gum Graft Surgery:

Have you recently looked in the mirror and noticed grey or black around the crowns of your teeth? Or are your gums lower in the front than they used to be? Are you changing what you eat and drink due to sensitivity? If you are, do not continue to suffer. There are options that can enhance the health of your smile as well as the look. The changes you may not have noticed right away because gum recession usually occurs over time.

Gum graft surgery is recommended when you have been in a situation where your gums have receded around a tooth and you need to rebuild the gum tissue up,  or if you have been in an accident that has damaged the mouth in some way. Gum recession usually happens slowly over time. However, once your gums have receded to the point where the root is showing, you may have increased sensitivity and your smile may not look the way you want.  Gum graft surgery is not a long procedure and there are three different types. “While it takes a while to heal, it is a simple process that really improves the look of your smile,” says Dr. Denine Rice.

Whichever type of procedure is chosen, it will help enhance your smile. If you have gum recession, call one of  the Inland Empire’s Favorite Periodontists, Dr. Denine Rice today to discuss your options.

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